Maximum Scour Below Dams Caused by Over-Fall Flow
The scour of sediment below a check dam caused by over-fall flow will lead to the destruction of dams. The formation of the scour hole below the dam will lead to shorten the seepage lines,...
Bed Sediments and Bed Forms of the Lower Mississippi River
Approximately 500 bed material samples were collected from the thalweg of the Lower Mississippi River. At each sample location, a sonic record of the bed was obtained. From the appearance...
Characteristic Deformation of Alternate Bars Due to Low Flow
Experiments on the formation of a small meander-channel at low stage are conducted by supplying a proper discharge on initial bed of alternate bars that have been formed in experimental...
Sediment Concentration Measurements Below Small Headcuts
This study is designed to determine erosion rates downstream from a small headcut. The sediment concentration from a scour hole produced by a plunging jet is measured as a function of...
Variational Method in Fluvial Hydraulics?A Review
The theoretical base of the principle of minimum energy dissipation rate and other related stationarity hypotheses have been reviewed. Recent applications of the theory to the calculation...
Introduction of Variational Principle Into Open Channel Hydrodynamics
Possible applications of the variational principle maximizing the entropy are illustrated. Open channel flow properties are expressed in terms of 'entropy parameter',...
Physical Modelling of Self Forming Alluvial Channels
A method is presented for the determination of a practicable physical model of self-forming channels in cohesionless alluvium. Both sand bed and gravel bed regime channels are considered....
Modeling a Large, Dynamic, Urban Drainage System
Impacts of progressive urbanization on peak streamflow are often difficult to quantify due to the dynamic, but subtle changes from year-to-year. In this instance urbanization impacts are...
Uncertainty Estimates for Rainfall-Runoff Model
Almost all rainfall-runoff link-node models in use today involve the subdivision of the catchment into smaller areas, linked together by a system of channel links. These 'link-node'...
Bootstrapping Nonlinear Storm Event Models
A bootstrap method for estimating the parameters of nonlinear storm event models is presented. The method pools (combines) the parameter estimates obtained from fitting computed and observed...
Modification to John H. Overton Lock and Dam
The Red River Waterway Project, Mississippi River to Shreveport, Louisiana, will consist of a navigation channel 9 feet (2.7m) deep by 200 feet (61.0m) wide, 5 locks and dams providing...
Evaluation of the ARS Low Drop Grade Control Structure
The ARS low drop grade control structure was developed by Little and Murphy to provide efficient energy dissipation and effective grade control for streams in northern Mississippi. The...
Mt. Elbert Pumped Storage Trashrack Failure
The failure of three trashrack sections for unit 2 at the suction-draft tube intake occured after one year in service. However, the trashracks for unit 1 had five years of service with...
Guard Gate Tests at Tieton Dam
The emergency gate hoist system on the guard gates at Tieton Dam, near Yakima, Washington, was tested as part of the United States Bureau of Reclamation Safety Evaluation of Existing Dams...
Innovative Spillway Design
The Lake Alan Henry Dam, near Lubbock, Texas, will consist of an earth filled embankment, a service spillway and an emergency spillway. The service spillway is designed to handle flows...
Scale Effects of Overflow-Oriented Hydraulic Parameters for a High Dam
This paper presents the findings of prototype observation and model verification on the surface velocity, the range of nappe jetting, and the diffusion regime of the discharged flow related...
Characteristics of the Flood Release-Induced Vibrations with Qianshui Thin-Arch Dam
In this article the prototype observations and design analyses are described regarding the flood release-induced vibrations of the Qianshui thin-arch dam and its foundation; and their...
The Sediment Weighted Histogram Generator and Estimation of Sediment Transport Trends
Long term sediment transport trends may be evaluated using a sediment histogram generator program that was written for microcomputers. Flows can be extracted directly from a compact disc...
Operational Model Development for Salinity Control
The 800 km2 Breton Sound estuary and watershed in Louisiana is being modeled to characterize its salinity regime in terms of hydrometeorological...
Can Erosion Control Meet Regulatory Standards?
An erosion control design method for rainfall/surface erosion is presented that enables the designer to determine design loads and the resulting erosion control requirements. Design loads...
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