Artificial Recharge of the Heretaunga Plains Aquifer Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
The Heretaunga Plains groundwater system in the Hawke's Bay region of New Zealand, is naturally recharged from the nearby Ngaruroro River at the approximate rate of 5.5m3/sec....
Artificial Recharge of Ground Water
A need for international and interdisciplinary technology transfer on the subject of artificial recharge resulted in the American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) Irrigation...
The Road to Drained Pavements
In California, a fast-draining base course within the pavement structure is now the preferred design. For the first time, the 1987 edition of the California Highway Design Manual recommends...
Dispersive Soil and its Influence on the Design of Reach 1A of the Tucson Aqueduct?Central Arizona Project
An extensive geotechnical field exploration and laboratory testing program was conducted because of dispersive and erosive soils along the alignment of the canal. The canal design was...
Design Considerations for a Navigational Channel
The hydraulic feasibility of the proposed navigation channel from Shuwaikh to the offshore area in Sulaibikhat Bay was studied. Channel width and alignment were determined considering...
A Successful Merging of Scientific Research and Public Participation
This paper describes the on-going programs at the US Army Corps of Engineers' San Francisco Bay-Delta Model and Visitor Center that aim to broaden the general public's...
Beach Nourishment at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina: An Overview
The purpose of this paper is to summarize the Myrtle Beach nourishment project as it proceeded from the geotechnical evaluation of potential borrow sands, to permitting and design, and...
Artificial Beach Design, Lake Forest, Illinois
A system of beaches and offshore breakwaters was designed to protect eroding bluffs along the shoreline of the City of Lake Forest. The beach system consists of sand fill contained by...
Sand Bypass System at Oceanside, California
This paper describes the design and development of an experimental sand bypassing and channel maintenance system using jet pumps and fluidizers. The system was developed as a possible...
Coastal Dunes for Protection and Sand Resources
Massive mining of dune sand on the north coast of Puerto Rico has impaired the natural ability of the dunes to protect the coast from high waves and long-term erosion. This paper presents...
Stabilization of West Coast Sand Dunes
Control of dune activity and the introduction of European beachgrass have generated far-reaching effects on the West Coast landscape. Between 1900 and 1935, a series of small sand stabilization...
Foredune Management on a Developed Shoreline: Nedonna Beach, Oregon
Nedonna Beach and Rockaway Beach are adjoining oceanfront communities with foredunes that were developed before state policies went into effect. The foredunes in these two communities...
Beach Replenishment: The National Solution?
The records of more than 90 replenished beaches and more than 200 sand-pumping operations on East Coast barrier island shorelines, while fragmentary, reveal a wide range of experiences,...
Beach Stabilization Design
There is a need for aesthetically pleasing and environmentally satisfactory solutions for protecting, renovating and restoring eroding semi-protected coastal beaches such as those found...
Analytical Method of Ship Motions Moored to Quay Walls and Application to Port Planning
This paper describes an analytical method to calculate ship motions moored to quay walls and application of the method in order to establish the port planning method in taking account...
Modeling Applications in Coastal Engineering
This paper discusses physical and numerical models of coastal processes as applied to coastal and ocean engineering projects. Some of the concepts and principles of modelling are identified...
Parameters Controlling the Success of Dune Revegetation at King Salmon, California
An eroded 9. 3 ha (23 acre) sand spit was restored through jetty construction and fill (using dredge spoils) by the Corps of Engineers at King Salmon on Humboldt Bay, California. An experimental...
Erosion and ErosionControl of a Silt-Muddy Beach
In China, many large and middle rivers such as Yellow River, Yangtze River, Pearl River, Liaohe River carry a large amount of fine sand into the sea, this results in extensive silt-muddy...
Evaluation of Sand-Filled Containers for Beach Erosion Control: an Update of the Technology
The use of large, sand-filled geotextile containers for coastal erosion protection has increased along Florida's ocean shorelines over the past five years. Technological advances...
Evaluation of Backshore Protection Techniques
The study site is Bethune Beach on the east coast of Florida in southern Volusia County which is experiencing severe and continued erosion problems. This shoreline erosion has become critical...
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