Unintentional Stoppages of Trucks Hauling High-Level Nuclear Waste in Nevada
Any unintentional stoppage of trucks hauling high-level nuclear waste in Nevada could intensify public concerns about the negative impacts of the Yucca Mountain project. This paper provides...

Transportation of Radioactive Materials Routing Analysis: The Nevada Experience
In 1987, the Nevada State Legislature passed a Bill requiring the Nevada Department of Transportation to develop and enforce a plan for highway routing of highway route controlled quantity...

Development of Rail Access to the Proposed Repository Site at Yucca Mountain
In accordance with the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1987, Yucca Mountain was designated as the initial site to be investigated as a potential repository for the disposal of high-level...

An Approach to Evaluate the Sufficiency of Highway Bridges for Nuclear Spent Fuel Transportation
The transportation of radioactive spent fuel can have a significant impact on bridge structures located on designated routes. Due to the critical nature of the cargo and because of the...

Transportation Access to Yucca Mountain: Critical Issues
Transportation planning for a repository at Yucca Mountain is complicated because of uncertainty about the modes and numbers of nuclear waste shipments and because of uncertainty about...

The Oregon Experiment: Public Information and Involvement
Oregon is neighbor to the Hanford Nuclear Site that now has the nation's largest store of radioactive waste. Oregon supports Hanford cleanup, which will require waste transport...

Perceived Risk, Real Risk: Scientific Inquiry and Public Concerns About Nuclear Waste Disposal
It is becoming clear that, if we are to solve our nuclear waste disposal problems, we will need to deal seriously with public concerns. Such concerns need to be addressed on their own...

Barometric Pumping of Contaminated Gases Through Fractured Permeable Media
Contaminated gases may be transported vertically through a fractured permeable medium by the breathing process which is associated with cyclical changes in the barometric pressure. A review...

Advances in the Study of Far-Field Phenomena Affecting Repository Performance
Studies of far-field phenomena affecting repository performance have focussed on the role of fractures and other heterogeneities in the potential transport of radioactive solutes from...

Process and Criteria for Valuation of the Ground-Water Flow Models in the OECD/NEA International Stripa Project
In 1986, the Site Characterization and Validation (SCV) Program was initiated as part of Phase III of the OECD/NEA International Stripa Project. The principal intent of the SCV Program...

The CVSA Pilot Study of Highway Vehicle Inspection Procedures for the Transportation of Radioactive Materials
To further the goal of enhancing the safe and efficient transportation of radioactive materials, the US Department of Energy and the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance have entered into...

MARNIE, a Near Field Transport Model for Radioactive Waste Repositories
The long term safety of a final repository for radioactive waste disposal has to be demonstrated. A number of scenarios can be postulated that could lead to a considerable release of radionuclides...

Evaluation of Alternative MGDS Development Strategies
A methodology has been developed to explicitly and quantitatively evaluate acceptable alternative repository development strategies, in terms of the degree to which they are likely to...

The Integrated Performance Assessment in SKI Project-90
The SKI Project-90 is a performance assessment of a hypothetical repository system with KBS-3 features in crystalline rock. A large part of the effort has been to identify and characterize...

Drafting of an ISO Standard for Leakage Tests on Packaging for the Transport of Radioactive Material
A working group (TC85/SC5/WG 10) has been formed by ISO for the drafting of an international standard covering the leak testing of radioactive material transport containers. A certain...

Scoping Experimental Analysis of Factors Affecting Cask Contamination Weeping
One issue of particular concern to both the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the US Department of Energy (DOE) involves the control of in-transit 'weeping'...

GA-4/GA-9 Honeycomb Impact Limiter Tests and Analytical Model
General Atomics (GA) has a test program underway to obtain data on the behavior of a honeycomb impact limiter. The program includes testing of small samples to obtain basic information,...

Perils of Project Development on Public Land Open to Mining
Conducting a government project on public land open to the general mining laws can result in added costs, legal entanglements, schedule uncertainties, and the potential for unanticipated...

Being Responsive and Getting the Job Done Right
The United States Department of Energy (DOE) Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Office (YMSCPO) has been given the responsibility for characterization of the potential repository...

Seeking Common Ground: Western Governors and the WIPP Transport Campaign
Nine Western States have engaged the U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE) to prepare for shipments of nuclear weapons waste. These are shipments of transuranic (TRU) wastes from nuclear weapons...





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