Chemical Treating Agents for Oil Spill Response?Recent Research Results
Laboratory effectiveness tests have been developed for four classes of spill-treating agents; solidifiers, demulsifying agents, surface-washing agents and dispersants. Currently-available...

The Weathering of Spilled Crude Oil in Coastal Water Environment
A research project was conducted at the Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) in order to study the long-term behaviour of spilled crude oil in the brackish water under cold and icy...

Coastline Management: A Challenge for Developing Countries
Coastal erosion has been a worldwide problem of primary concern to coastal management and development. To arrest the coastal erosion processes along the coastline of developing countries...

The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: Update on Persistence and State of Alaska Activities
The Exxon Valdez incident of 24 March 1989 caused the oiling of over 1,100 miles of Alaskan coastline and over 11,000 square miles of coastal waters. The State responded immediately to...

Acidic Polysaccharides from Marine Organisms
Different types of acidic polysaccharides have been extracted from various marine organisms. The chemical composition and structural studies of these molecules established that the main...

A Portable Geographic Information System (GIS) for Coastal Mapping
The combined increases in portable computing power and storage with the availability of new software has enabled the development of a truly portable Geographic Information System (GIS)...

A Childrens' Oil Spill Preparedness Education Program
Following the Exxon Valdez incident, the Clean Seas oil spill cooperative received numerous requests for additional information on oil spill response procedures from local educational...

Socioeconomic Emergency Preparedness Planning for Major Oil Spill Incidents
One component of major marine oil spill disaster preparedness planning that has been largely ignored are impacts on the social and economic environment. Santa Barbara County, California...

Review Notes on Cohesive Sediment Erosion
Comments are made on issues related to surface and mass erosion phenomena associated with cohesive sediment beds, and the entrainment of fluid mud. The rate process theory is recapped...

The Effect of Beach Slope on Oscillatory Flow Bedload Transport
The data for five laboratory sloping bed bedload sediment transport experiments are presented. Each consists of a series of half cycle transport rate measurements using the same waveform...

Grain-Shape Analysis of Littoral and Shelf Sands, Southern California
Estimation of the exchange rates and determination of transport mechanisms and pathways associated with the onshore-offshore vector is one of the greatest sources of error in sediment...

Beach Profiles vs. Cross-Shore Distributions of Sediment Grain Sizes
In the present paper, field results are reported from various tideless beaches in Greece with mixed sedimentary environments. The two classical beach profiles are examined in terms of...

Equilibrium Profile of a Beach with Varying Grain Size
The classical concave equilibrium profile shape proposed by Bruun (1954) and Dean (1977) is modified to incorporate a varying grain size across-shore. On most beaches the median grain...

The Sedimentary Organisation and Behaviour of Drift-Aligned Gravel Barriers
Drift-aligned barriers formed of coarse clastic materials and described in terms of their organisational evolution at two levels, a) sorting and selection of clasts; b) development of...

Problems with Predicting the Transport of Pumiceous Sediments in the Coastal Environment
Pumice is often a major component of coastal sediments associated with subduction zone volcanic settings. Several recent studies in New Zealand have highlighted the difficulties of predicting...

Sorting Characteristics of Tidal Inlets
An hypothesis is presented as follows: Littoral processes at a tidal inlet remove a disproportionately higher quantity of fine grain sediment than coarse grain sediment from the littoral...

Physical Modelling of Pocket Beaches
The design of artificial beach systems is dependent upon the modelling criteria and on the selection of the sand material to be used for nourishment. In order to obtain a stable beach...

Design Guidance for Nearshore Berm Construction
Construction of nearshore berms has been gaining acceptance as a cost effective beneficial use of dredged material. This paper presents a systematic methodology for design and evaluation...

A Systematic Analysis of Disposal Site Stability
This paper describes a systematic methodology for predicting the stability of dredged material disposal sites over long periods of time, ranging from months to years. The approach is based...

Dredge Spoil and Inner Shelf Investigations off Tauranga Harbour, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
Dispersion of dredge spoil from an inner shelf dump-mound in 11-17 m water depth, 3 km offshore from Tauranga Harbour, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, was investigated as part of environmental...





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