MIIT; International In-Situ Testing of Simulated HLW Forms?Preliminary Analyses of SRL 165/TDS Waste Glass and Metal Systems
The first in-situ tests involving burial of simulated high-level waste (HLW) forms conducted in the United States were started on July 22, 1986. This effort, called the Materials Interface...

Permeability and Dispersivity of Variable-Aperture Fracture Systems
A number of recent experiments have pointed out the need of including the effects of aperture variation within each fracture in predicting flow and transport properties of fractured media....

A Description and Status of the Yucca Mountain Project Repository Sealing Program
Yucca Mountain is being characterized to determine its suitability as a site for a high-level nuclear waste repository. The repository would be located in the unsaturated zone in fractured,...

Prototype Testing for the Yucca Mountain Project
The U.S. Department of Energy, through its Yucca Mountain Project Office (YMPO), has been conducting prototype activities in welded and non-welded tuff. These activities are in preparation...

Concepts in Prototype Testing for In Situ Geomechanical Investigations at Yucca Mountain
Geomechanical investigations comprise a significant portion of the site characterization program to be conducted at Yucca Mountain, the site of a proposed repository for nuclear waste....

Prototype Heater Test of the Environment Around a Simulated Waste Package
This paper presents selected results obtained during the 301 day duration of the Prototype Engineered Barrier System Field Test (PEBSFT) performed in G-Tunnel within the Nevada Test Site....

The Application of Vertical Seismic Profiling and Cross-Hole Tomographic Imaging for Fracture Characterization at Yucca Mountain
In order to obtain the necessary characterization for the storage of nuclear waste, much higher resolution of the features likely to affect the transport of radionuclides will be required...

Seismic Characterization of Fracture Properties
Laboratory measurements of the mechanical stiffness, hydraulic conductivity and seismic properties of three natural fractures were made as a function of applied normal stress. Seismic...

Local Economic Impact Assessment of the Nevada Test Site: A Methodological Prelude to Socioeconomic Assessment of the Proposed Yucca Mountain High-Level Radioactive Waste Repository
The economic impact of the high level of nuclear repository can be approximated by studying the economic effects of the Nevada Test Site. Using the UNLV Nevada models, we estimated the...

Accident Analyses in Fulfillment of the Requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act and Their Relationship to the Packaging and Testing Requirements of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
In planning its Transportation Program, the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management must address two fundamental questions: (1) To what extent are the reasonably foreseeable significant...

The Source Term for HLW Disposal in the European Communities' R&D Programme
During the last five years, the EC's research programme on radioactive waste has focused much of its investigation in the field of HLW management on the source term for geologic...

Data Quality Assurance Controls Through the WIPP in Situ Data Acquisition, Analysis, and Management System
Assurance of data quality for the in situ tests fielded at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant is of critical importance. These tests supply the information for development and verification...

The Coordination of System Representation and Operating Assumptions for System Studies in SIMS
Two projects at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) have been devoted to development of the capability to provide descriptive details of the Federal Waste Management System (FWMS) and...

Incorporation of Reprocessing Raffinates and High Level Solids in Cement
Reprocessing highly enriched uranium fuel from UKAEA Materials Testing Reactors produces highly active aqueous raffinate. This is currently stored. The UK strategy is for raffinate immobilisation,...

Space Debris?A Design Consideration
With the increased use of space by manned or unmanned missions, it has become necessary to include yet another parameter in the design of spacecraft, namely, the effect of a probable impact...

Antarctic Testbed for Extraterrestrial Operation and Technology
A remote and harsh environment, Antarctica has areas which are more similar to the Moon and Mars than anywhere else on Earth. The physical similarities, coupled with strong parallels between...

Comparison Between the Field and Laboratory Measured Properties of a Clay Liner
Hydraulic conductivity (K) and bulk density (BD) of an experimental clay linear were evaluated at a large number of locations using standard methods. They were then compared to laboratory...

Oil Spill Impacts on Aquifers
This study attempts to evaluate the seismic hazards along a forty inch pipeline and the impact of a pipeline rupture in the recharge area of the aquifer serving most of West Tennessee....

Conductivity and Transit Time Estimates of a Soil Liner
A field-scale soil linear was built to assess the feasibilty of constructing a liner to meet the saturated hydraulic conductivity requirement of the U.S. EPA (i.e., less than 1 ? 10-7...

Remediating A Fire Site
Machin and Ehresmann describe remediation of a 15 acre fire site at Fort Huachuca, Ariz. An investigation after the fire showed that all of the debris contained asbestos. Sampling confirmed...





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