Simulation of Reactive Chemical Transport in a Varying Thermal Field with Reaction-Flow Coupling
A computer program, THCVP, simulates coupling between advective/diffusive solute transport and chemical reactions, coupling of the reactions to heat transport, and feedback from precipitation/dissolution...

One-Dimensional Radionuclide Transport Under Time-Varying Conditions
New analytical and numerical solutions are presented for one-dimensional radionuclide transport under time-varying fluid-flow conditions including radioactive decay. The analytical solution...

Radioactive Materials Packaging Standards and Regulations?Making Sense of it All
Numerous regulations and standards, both national and international, apply to the packaging and transportation of radioactive material. These are legal and technical prerequisites to practically...

The Transportation Operations System: A Description
A system engineering approach is being applied to organize and develop relations among the people, hardware, and software of the Transportation Operations System (TOS), which will be a...

Development of Transportation Operations Requirements: Operations Planning
Transport conditions at various utility sites vary dramatically in terms of characteristics at and near the site, requirements, administrative procedures, and other factors. Continuation...

U.S. Department of Energy Motor Carrier Evaluation Program
The U.S. Department of Energy-Headquarters (DOE-HQ), Transportation Management Division (TMD) has the overall responsibility to provide a well-managed transportation program for the safe,...

Development of Rail Access to the Yucca Mountain Site: Technical and Publc Issues
The Yucca Mountain site, located on the southwestern edge of the Nevada Test Site (NTS), is an undeveloped area under investigation as a potential site for high-level nuclear waste (HLW)...

Optimal Route Selection for High Level Nuclear Waste Transport Based Upon Radiological Risk
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate route optimization based directly upon the minimization of radiological risk as computed from local conditions. An operational impact analysis...

Optimizing Spent Fuel Cask Designs for Use in the Federal Waste Management System
The DOE will design and develop a new fleet of casks to transport spent fuel using innovative approaches to optimize the cask design. Preliminary casks designs indicate capacity increases...

State of Nevada Nuclear Waste Shipping Cask Design Studies
The State of Nevada has sponsored several contractor studies regarding nuclear waste shipping cask design issues. A comprehensive transportation needs assessment completed in 1988 recommended...

BR-100 Spent Fuel Shipping Cask Development
Continued public acceptance of commercial nuclear power is contingent to a large degree on the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) establishing an integrated waste management system for spent...

An Innovative Cask for Transporting Defense High-Level Waste
In the early 1980s, the U.S. Department of Energy/Defense Programs (DOE/DP) initiated a project to develop a safe and efficient transportation system for defense high-level waste (DHLW)....

Transportation Legend, Fact and Hysteria or, How to Dismantle a Mature Industry
In the rush to 'correct' the perceived deficiencies in the regulations covering the transportation of radioactive materials, many people, from legislators to...

Investigation of Burnup Credit Allowance in the Criticality Safety Evaluation of Spent Fuel Casks
The payloads of present generation spent fuel casks are constrained by a criticality design basis that assumes loading with unirradiated fuel. This presentation discusses work in progress...

Diffusion Coefficients and Hydraulic Conductivity in Unsaturated Hanford Soils and Sediments
Two groundwater transport parameters of some Hanford formation materials, the hydraulic conductivity and the diffusion coefficient, were measured to aid in predicting contaminant migration....

Optimizing the Spent Fuel Transportation Cask for Spent Fuel Age and Burnup: A Preliminary Analysis
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has been assigned responsibility for managing the nation's spent nuclear fuel (SNF). Because of the large quantity of SNF to be moved,...

Transportation Cask Life Cycle Cost Uncertainty Analysis
This paper demonstrates an uncertainty analysis methodology using random sampling. This methodology has been applied to a nuclear waste transportation code, and several transportation...

Accident Analyses in Fulfillment of the Requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act and Their Relationship to the Packaging and Testing Requirements of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
In planning its Transportation Program, the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management must address two fundamental questions: (1) To what extent are the reasonably foreseeable significant...

Method for Determining the Fuel Contribution to the Source Term in Trasnport Casks
A comprehensive source term characterization methodology has been developed for the determination of the fuel contribution to the potentially releasable radioactivity in spent fuel shipping...

Probable Impacts of Space Operations on Air Force Civil Engineering
Consider the bridge from today's space programs and systems to tomorrow's space reality. Current space policy is revoluntionary in nature. Selected space related...





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