Arizona's Statewide Pavement Management System
A pavement management system developed for Arizon's 7400-mile network of highways has resulted in a savings of $14 million in its first year and a forecast savings of $101...

Throgs Neck Bridge: Why Did Its Deck Deteriorate?
Rapid deterioration of the concrete roadway decks of the Throgs Neck Bridge approach viaducts was found to be due to secondary tensile and fatigue stresses brought on by deflection of...

Georgia's Low-Cost Approach to Rehabilitating Concrete Pavements
A six step approach to rehabilitating concrete pavements is described. The six steps are: (1) Slab stabilization; (2) slab replacement, where necessary; (3) repair of spalls; (4) resawing...

Proposition 13: Impact on California Public Works
The effect of proposition 13, which was passed in California in June 1978, has hurt the ability of local governments in the state to raise funds to construct new infrastructure and maintain...

Highway Projects -- Can They Be Done in Half the Time?
Delays in highway construction projects result from time-consuming federal and state review procedures, public opposition and funding restrictions. The majority of delays in highway projects...

Pavement Management Systems: Selecting Maintenance Priorities
Realization of the need to maintain a safe, serviceable network of highways in the US has led to the development of a systematic, consistent procedure for managing resources necessary...

Urban Highway Financing Mechanisms and Policies
This paper explores the urban transportation financing crisis, surveys existing State and local mechanisms for urban highway financing, explores emerging financing mechanisms, and addresses...

The Transportation Utility
Every property, including undeveloped lands, benefits from access provided by public roads. Funds for maintaining these roads have been squeezed by rising costs and competition from other...

Managing Limited Transportation Resources in Pennsylvania's Department of Transportation
This paper will not describe systems, but rather a management approach which has proved successful in the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. The following examples illustrate the...

Managing for the Eighties
In a period where fiscal constraints will mandate a new approach to managing limited financial resources, serious consideration must be given to developing new strategic policies relating...

The Role of the Civil Engineer in Highway Safety
The papers included in this publication focus on the current state-of-the-art of highway safety and the civil engineer's role in confronting and solving highway safety problems....

In Search of Ancient Engineers
Many examples of pre-Columbian civil works have been uncovered in North and South America. Some reflect well-organized technologies comparable to those of the Old World of the same time...

Journal of Transportation Engineering
The Journal of Transportation Engineering contains technical and professional articles on the planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of air, highway, rail, and urban transportation,...

Engineering and Construction Projects
The Emerging Management Roles
The papers presented at the specialty conference on emerging management roles in engineering and construction projects focus attention on successful management approaches, and methods...

Cold Regions Engineering in Norway
The use of insulating materials is a key factor in cold regions engineering in Norway. It is applied in road construction in areas where frost heave and reduced bearing capacity would...

Energy Turns the World as a World's Fair Turns a City Around
Energy Expo '82 opens May 1 and will run through October 31, 1982. Host City, Knoxville, Tennessee has taken advantage of the fair as a catalyst for growth and urban renewal...

Denny Creek: The Toughest Bridge Washington State Ever Built
The story of how highway planners and engineers in Washington State's Department of Transportation were stopped from building a highway and viaduct through a pristine wilderness...

Knoxville's Junction Functions
The urban highway system in Knoxville was originally built as a local expressway in the early 1950's. It was designed to significantly lower standards than Interstate and...

Houston Moves to Unravel Traffic
Houston, Texas is growing and has more cash to invest in its infrastructure than most American cities. Roads are being repaired and improved, more highways built, and new management strategies...

Public Infrastructure�Are More Dollars Coming?
The top subject at the October, 1982, New Orleans convention of the American Society of Civil Engineers was the infrastructure finance problem. Noted analysts of the situation, including...





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