Storm Precipitation in Southwest British Columbia
The storm precipitation in a mountainous watershed in the southwestern British Columbia has been studied. Analysis of the spatial distribution of the storm features showed that the precipitation...
Smith's Infiltration Equation and Flooding Infiltrometers
Smith's infiltration equation was developed by examining the output from runs of a physically-based numerical model of one-dimensional infiltration. The model simulated application of...
Modified Horton Models for Steady Rainfall
When the rainfall rate is less than the initial infiltration rate, direct application of the well-known Horton equation underestimates the total volume of water infiltrating the soil until...
Simulation of Daily Climatic Series for the Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources
A new approach to the generation of climatic time series for studies of the impact of climate change on water resources is presented. The method adapts a current stochastic weather generator...
Change of Estuarine Processes Due to Sea Level Rise and Navigation Channel Improvement
To investigate the relationship between the improvement of navigation channels and the change of estuarine environment under various sea level rise scenarios, numerical study was performed...
Development of an Isohyetal Analysis for Oregon Using the Prism Model
PRISM (Precipitation-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model) is an analytical model that uses point data and a digital elevation model (DEM) to generate gridded estimates of...
Modeling Wetland Hydrologic and Hydraulic Processes
Water availability and the processes by which it moves are critical to a wetland's success, where success is measured in terms of the quantity and quality of functions provided by the...
Flood Elevation Limits in the Rocky Mountains
An analysis of 77,987 station-years of streamflow-gaging station data from 3,748 stations in the Rocky Mountains indicates that there is a latitude-dependent elevation limit to substantial...
Friction Factors in Coastal Flooding
As the world's coastal zones are being developed and the coastal population increases, coastal flooding, or rather the prediction of its extent and frequency of occurrence, becomes a more...
Estimation and Regionalization Procedures of Nash's Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph
A 'total fit' method is suggested for computing Nash's instantaneous unit hydrograph (IUH) which minimizes the errors of all ordinates between the observed and generated hydrographs. Previous...
Stochastic Modeling for Drought Analysis
Periodic as well as annual stochastic streamflow models have been fitted to the highly variable flows measured at Krishnarajasagara (KRS) on river Cauvery (Southern India), which is monsoon-dependent...
Variance Estimation of Extreme Flows
The inclusion of historic flood data with gage record data has been shown to reduce the uncertainty in flow estimates. Using numerical integration to quantify that uncertainty is less...
Peaks Over Threshold Model for Seasonal Flood Variations
The peaks over threshold (POT) series model has been used in hydrology to analyse extreme phenomena such as floods or precipitation amounts exceeding a certain threshold level. The results...
Robust Estimators in Hydrologic Frequency Analysis
This paper applies a specific robust estimation procedure known as 'trimming' in flood frequency analysis. The trimming technique consists in censoring the series of recorded floods by...
A Physically Based Methodology for Regional Flood Frequency Analysis
The problem of flood frequency estimation in ungauged catchments is approached by using statistical procedures jointly with derived distribution techniques. The application of this methodology...
Dynamic Perspective on the Capillary Barrier Effect at the Interface of an Upper Fine Layer with a Lower Coarse Layer
The theoretical principles behind the determination of infiltration rate into a coarse layer overlain by a tight layer are reviewed. As a descending unsaturated wetting front hits the...
Kinematic Mixing in Stratified Aquifers
The mixing process in heterogeneous aquifers is presented as the bending and stretching of material lines. A linear mixing efficiency is defined in terms of the mean values of a unit length...
Numerical Estimation of Macrodispersivities in Heterogeneous Self-similar Aquifers
Numerical simulations of contaminant transport in a stratified aquifer characterized by a self-similar distribution of hydraulic conductivity were performed. Macrodispersivities were calculated...
Predicting Basin-Wide Tailwater Temperature Patterns by Combining Mechanistic and Statistical Water Quality Modeling
A simplified method for predicting water temperature patterns downstream of a peaking hydropower dam is described for the Fort Randall Dam tailwater of the mainstem Missouri River as part...
Muskingum Basin Reservoir Pool Frequency Analysis
The purpose of the study was to develop a consistent and defendable elevation frequency analysis of pool elevations for sixteen reservoirs within the basin. A significant level of interest...
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