Pipeline Rehab: Underground Options
While simply digging up old pipes and replacing them is sometimes still best, other alternatives can give long life while easing the strain on the community. Trenchless methods for on-line...

Plate Load and Pressuremeter Testing in Saprolite
On the island of Oahu, Hawaii, an exploratory tunnel for the Interstate Route H-3 highway was completed in December 1989. The purpose of the exploratory tunnel was two-fold; first to locate...

Determination of the Deformation Characteristics of a Jet-Grouted Shallow Tunnel in Alluvial Deposits by Means of In-Situ Measurements and Back Analysis
The deformation characteristics of a jet-grouted shallow tunnel in alluvial deposits are investigated. An intensive in-situ measuring program accompanied each of the various excavation...

Settlement of Shallow Foundations in Sands Selection of Stiffness on the Basis of Penetration Resistance
The paper discusses the use of the formulae of the theory of elasticity to compute the settlement of shallow foundations in sands when subjected to static loading. Special emphasis is...

Pressuremeter Stress Relaxation Testing in a Permafrost Tunnel
In the spring of 1988, a geotechnical testing program was carried out in the U.S. Army CRREL Permafrost Tunnel, located at Fox, near Fairbanks, Alaska. In all, some thirty cone penetrometer...

Stabilization of Collapsible Alluvial Soil Using Dynamic Compaction
The effectiveness of dynamic compaction for improving collapsible soils was evaluated under field conditions using full scale load tests performed on 1.5 m square footings. Tests were...

Group Efficiency of Piles Driven Into Sands: A Simple Approach
A simplified analysis for computing group efficiency of circular displacement piles in sands is presented. Pile installation is assumed to cause soil displacements in the horizontal direction...

Do Simplistic Methods of Foundation Design Produce Reliable Foundations?
Many foundations today are designed using deterministic (single value) analysis techniques which do not reflect the natural variability of soil properties. If the standard deviation and...

Settlement of Footings on Sands?Accuracy and Reliability
Twelve methods of estimating settlements of footings on sand were evaluated by comparing calculated settlements with measured settlements. Each of the methods was evaluated in terms of...

Modification of P-Y Curves to Account for Group Effects on Laterally Loaded Piles
The response of piles in a rectangular group subjected to lateral loading has been analyzed using a three-dimensional finite element model to evaluate the effect of pile spacing on lateral...

Methodology for Optimizing Rock Slope Preventative Maintenance Programs
Rock slopes along transportation routes can fail in several different modes, with various types and magnitudes of consequences. The 'risks' associated with such...

Hugo 1989 - The Performance of Structures in the Wind
The performance of buildings in the Carolinas during Hurricane Hugo, 21-22 September 1989, is reviewed. Wind speeds in most locations were below the design levels specified in the local...

Structural Engineering Lessons Learned From Hurricane Hugo
Hurricane Hugo purported to be 'The Storm of The Century' caused considerable property damage over a tremendously large area effecting nearly everyone and every...

Lessons Learned by a Roof Consultant
Hurricane Hugo left in its wake, extensive damage, an estimated $6 Billion loss. It is estimated that over 80% of the losses were related to roof failures, and the associated water damages....

Lessons Learned by a Wind Engineer
Surface wind speeds during the passage of Hurricane Hugo through the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico are described. Although damage to the affected areas was extensive, an assessment...

Lessons Learned From Hugo About Building Design Trends
An investigation of 100 buildings was made to evaluate their resistances to Hurricane Hugo which occurred on September 21 and 22, 1989 at Charleston, South Carolina. A nearby anemometer...

Roof Wind Damage Mitigation: Lessons From Hugo
Hurricane Hugo caused extensive roof damage in Charleston, South Carolina and surrounding areas. Extensive field investigations have revealed the causes of many of the problems. This paper...

Lessons Learned by the News Media
The paper summarizes a few things learned from the news media's experience in Hurricane Hugo and which they will try to do differently the next time. These include: simulcasting...

Surviving the Storm: Building Codes and the Reduction of Hurricane Damage
The link between adequate building codes, enforcement, and the level of damage experienced in major hurricanes was examined in a 1989 study by AIRAC, a public policy research group sponsored...

Lessons Learned from Hurricane Hugo and Future Mitigation Activities
This paper is given as a summary of many of the various conclusions presented in the symposium, Hugo One Year Later. This includes presentations dealing with the performance of various...





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