How Far along the Learning Curve is the Contingent Valuation Method?
The paper discusses an application of the learning curve concept to new benefit methodologies and applies the model to the contingent valuation (CV) methodology. As knowledge accumulates...

Economics, Economists, and Water Policy Advising
Subjects covered include the effectiveness of economic analysis, the economist as technician and as policy entrepreneur, and others. Economic concepts and studies can be used as a means...

Marginal Cost Pricing: Is Water Different?
The objectives of public utility pricing are generally acknowledged to include a desire for efficient allocation of community resources, equity in allocating cost shares, stable revenues...

Water Conservation in Irrigated Agriculture
This paper looks at irrigated agriculture in the West in light of the current circumstances, with particular reference to water conservation. It illustrates the need for expanding the...

Water Resources Management and Structural Change in Rural Australia
Water policies in Australia are undergoing fundamental change marked by a switch in emphasis from development of further sources of water to management of available supplies. Quite apart...

Water Rights Issues
The paper focuses primarily on the fragmented legal rights to water in the hydrologic cycle, with conjunctive use and management of interconnected water resources and with some conflicting...

The Role of Social Sciences in the Management of Surface Water Quality in the United States
This survey paper concentrates on what social science has to say about surface water quality management. Some comments are also made on the historical development of these analytical capabilities....

The Role of Social Sciences in Putting People Into Federal Water Resources Project Planning and Evaluation
While great attention has been given to the importance of engineering, economic, and, recently, environmental factors, the need for consideration of the social impacts of projects and...

The Role of Water Marketing in Water Allocation: A Case Study
The paper covers in some detail a specific example of water allocation, the El Paso, Texas area, to analyze what appears to be a good opportunity for successful application of water marketing,...

The Changing Role of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
The Bureau's reorganization will enable it to more effectively and efficiently meet changing water resources needs in the western states. The new role of the Bureau is particularly...

A Measure of Reservoir Efficiency
The notion of reservoir efficiency is defined for a water supply reservoir operated according to the standard policy, that is, one where the release is constant whenever physically possible....

Dam Safety, Yes.; But What About Safety at Dams?
Design and construction of safe structures are the professional obligations of hydraulic engineers. However, there are environmental dangers with safe structures which engineers often...

Basing Options for Lunar Oxygen for Manned Mars Missions
The use of lunar oxygen to support lunar space transportation reduces Earth launch mass requirements by a factor of 2. In this paper, the authors show that lunar oxygen can also reduce...

Non-Ionizing Radiation Exposure in Space Activities
Non-ionizing radiation exposure has received considerable attention over the past few years due to the potential health hazards involved. Different limits have been set with no international...

Surgery in the Microgravity Environment
As man becomes more active in space, the possibility of major medical emergencies requiring surgical procedures will increase. Surgery in the microgravity environment involves many challenges...

Transit Triumph
The 1988 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement is Boston's Southwest Corridor, chosen not only for its size, complexity and technology, but for its environmental, public...

Highway Injuries: Our Major Health Problem
Injuries are the leading cause of death in the United States from early childhood until about age 45. Motor vehicles kill more Americans age 1 to 34 than any other source of injury or...

Environmental Health Programs of the USEPA
The major programs of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designed to reduce risk to public health are summarized with emphasis on their content, funding and effectiveness in...

Railroad Safety Programs and Effectiveness
Safety in the railroad industry has been a matter of concern to employees, officers, federal agencies and the general public since railroads came into being. This paper summarizes the...

Conflicts: The Common Denominator of Health/Safety Programs
Constraints on time and resources influences the public sector as strongly as our personal lives. Experience teaches us that our desires must be tempered with hard realities. Finite resources...





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