Computing in Civil Engineering
This proceedings,
Dredging and Management of Dredged Material
This proceedings,
Ground Improvement, Ground Reinforcement and Ground Treatment
Developments 1987-1997
This proceedings,
Compaction, Remediation and Testing
This proceedings,
Mechanics of Deformation and Flow of Particulate Materials
This proceedings is composed of written contributions to the nine-session symposium on the Mechanics of Particulate Materials at the McNU Conference held at Evanston, Illinois, June 29-July...
Observation and Modeling in Numerical Analysis and Model Tests in Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction Problems
Experimental and analytical studies have both involved soil-structure interaction. Experimental studies offer an opportunity to directly observe the complex phenomena, while analytical...
Pipeline Research Needs
Spatial Analysis in Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
This Geotechincal Special Publication contains the papers presented by the invited speakers in the sessions on Spatial Analysis in Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering held during...
Unsaturated Soil Engineering Practice
This collection of papers presented at the sessions on Unsaturated Soil Engineering Practice held during the First National Conference of the ASCE Geo-Institute at the Utah State University...
An Endangered Resource
This proceedings,
John F. Kennedy Student Paper Competition and Specialty Seminar Summaries
This proceedings,
Managing Water
Coping with Scarcity and Abundance
The proceedings,
Water for a Changing Global Community
This six-volume collection contains the papers presented at the 27th Congress of the International Association of Hydraulic Research on Water for a Changing Global Community. The Proceedings...
Waterpower '97
This proceedings consists of papers presented at the Waterpower '97 specialty conference. This international conference on hydropower was held in Atlanta, Georgia, August...
Aircraft/Pavement Technology
In the Midst of Change
This proceedings,
Infrastructure Condition Assessment
Art, Science, and Practice
This proceedings contain papers presented at a conference sponsored by the Facilities Management Committee of the Urban Transportation Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers...
Innovative Design and Construction for Foundations and Substructures Subject to Freezing and Frost
This proceedings,
Degradation of Natural Building Stone
This proceedings,
Construction Safety Affected by Codes and Standards
These five papers present an insight into, and highlights of, some very recent design/construction standardization activities in the US, Canada, Great Britain, Japan and Israel. New performance-type...
In Situ Remediation of the Geoenvironment
The progress in the development and implementation of techniques for the remediation of contaminated soil and ground water has been and continues to be rapid. These proceedings focus on...
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