Fundamental Considerations in Rates and Rate Structures for Water and Sewer Works

American Society of Civil Engineers

American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY
1951, Soft Cover, Pg. 276
A Joint Report of Committees of ASCE and the Section of Municipal Law of the American Bar Association and of Representatives of the American Water Works Association, National Association of Railroad and Utilities Commissioners, Municipal Finance Officers Association, Federation Sewer Works Association, Investment Bankers Association of America; Reprinted from Ohio State Law Journal Spring 1951
Out of Print: Not available at ASCE Bookstore.

Document Type: Book


This report covers a broad range of research in rates and rate structures for water and sewage works. Topics include elements and functions of water and sewage works, public and private ownership of utilities, financing public facilities, financing private facilities, determination of required revenue, present practices in raising total annual revenue, recommended procedures for establishing fair rates and rate structures, and enforcing payment of charges.

Subject Headings: Public buildings | Sewage | Revenues | Public private partnership | Private sector | Infrastructure | Financing


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