Implementation of the Phase II Stormwater NPDES Permits

by Jennifer N. Patty,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Watershed Management and Operations Management 2000


In the 1987 amendments to the Clean Water Act, Congress directed the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish a permitting framework under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program to address storm water discharges associated with urban areas and certain industrial activities. In response to this dircctivc. EPA published NPDES permit application requirements [Federal Register, November 16,1990] for Phase I Storm Water Discharges. The next step in the EPAs efforts to address storm water discharges is the proposed Stonn Water Phase II rule effective October 29, 1999. This paper provides the reader with a practical approach to develop and implement the final Phase II rule.

Subject Headings: Water discharge | Stormwater management | Permits | Water pollution | Federal government | Environmental Protection Agency | Clean Water Act | United States

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