Evaluation Findings of the Mechatronic FRT01 Pavement Marking Retroreflectometer
byCivil Engineering Research Foundation, ASCE
American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA
978-0-7844-0468-3 (ISBN-13) | 0-7844-0468-2 (ISBN-10), 2000, Soft Cover, Pg. 62
29 cm, CERF Report: #40468; Technical Evaluation Report
Document Type: Book
Prepared by the Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center (HITEC), a CERF service center.
This report presents the results of a detailed evaluation of the FRT01 pavement marking 30-meter retroreflectometer. The evaluation is designed to test the measurement bias, repeatability, and reproducibility of handheld and mobile retroreflectometers produced by several manufacturers.
Subject Headings: Pavement markings | Innovation | Highways and roads
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