Newsletters That Deliver
by Kimberly J. Falcone, Vice Pres. of Business Development; Brierley Assocs., LLC, Boston,Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1999, Vol. 69, Issue 10, Pg. 62-63
Document Type: Feature article
A newsletter consultant and business manager for a small engineering firm explains how to create an effective newsletter for new and potential clients. Among the necessary steps are establishing a client database as a mailing list; determining the newsletter's length, frequency and content; finding a variety of contributors; designing an easy-to-read but eye-catching layout; and selecting a printer and mailing house. In general, a company must make contact with prospective clients 10 to 15 times before the clients consider hiring the firm. A good newsletter is an efficient and effective way to contact a large group of prospective clients regularly, while offering them news they can use.
Subject Headings: Client relationships | Consulting services | Residential buildings | Recruiting and hiring | Managers | Engineering firms | Databases
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