Evaluation Findings for Taylor Devices Fluid Viscous Dampers

Civil Engineering Research Foundation, ASCE

American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA
978-0-7844-0402-7 (ISBN-13) | 0-7844-0402-X (ISBN-10), 1999, Soft Cover, Pg. x, 38
28 cm, CERF Report: HITEC 99-03; Technical Evaluation Report

Document Type: Book


Prepared by the Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center (HITEC), a CERF Service Center.

This report summarizes the results of a detailed evaluation of a fluid viscous damper, manufactured by Taylor Devices. The report is part of a program to test the performance of 11 seismic isolators and dampers produced by several manufacturers. The devices were tested for stability, response during earthquake simulations, and fatigue and weathering effects.

Subject Headings: Damping | Seismic tests | Weathering | Innovation | Highways and roads | Fatigue tests | Earthquakes


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