A Nationwide Survey of Civil Engineering-Related R&D

Civil Engineering Research Foundation, ASCE

American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY
978-0-87262-970-7 (ISBN-13) | 0-87262-970-8 (ISBN-10), 1993, Soft Cover, Pg. 80
CERF Report #93-5006
Out of Print: Not available at ASCE Bookstore.

Document Type: Book


Prepared by the Civil Engineering Research Foundation. Sponsored by CERF and the National Science Foundation, with technical support from Aspen Systems Corporation.

This report provides the first comprehensive data on the current level of civil engineering-related R&D investment, funding organizations, research performers, and areas of research emphasis. The central finding is that all civil engineering-related R&D funding amounted to $2.1 billion in 1992. The value of construction put in place in 1992 is estimated by the Commerce Department as $425.8 billion, indicating that the level of R&D investment by all sectors within the construction community is approximately 0.5 percent. The largest sponsor of civil engineering-related R&D is the federal government (62.9 percent), followed by industry (16.3 percent). Civil engineering-related R&D investment is expected to increase by approximately 6 percent in 1993. The report documents a substantial amount of underreporting of civil engineering-related R&D investment by the construction industry and notes that nearly three-fourths of all firms do not designate a budget line item for these expenditures. The study provides some comparisons with civil engineering-related R&D in other countries, especially Japan. The report concludes with specific recommendations for all sectors of the civil engineering community.

Subject Headings: Investments | Federal government | Construction management | Financing | Comparative studies | Value engineering | Research and development | Japan | Asia


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