The Magnificent 17
by Kalle Matso, Asst. Editor; Civil Engineering, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017,Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1995, Vol. 65, Issue 7, Pg. 50-55
Document Type: Feature article
Only two of 1995's record 19 nominees could win the 1995 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award and the Award of Merit, but the 17 remaining nominees are noteworthy in their own right. From innovative water-treatment plants to trolley and people-mover projects, from a record-setting segmental bridge to a benchmark Superfund site, this year's runners-up are anything but second-rate. Each year, the nation's many ASCE district directors submit outstanding projects in hopes of receiving the society's Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award OCEA. To be considered each project has to demonstrate a contribution to the well-being of communities; resourcefulness in planning and in solution of design problems; pioneering in the use of systems, materials and methods; and innovations in construction. Finally, each project is examined for unusual aspects, aesthetic value and impact on the physical environment.
Subject Headings: Project management | Awards and prizes | Innovation | Construction methods | Construction materials | Water treatment | Waste sites
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