Computer Calculations Speed Tunnel-Lining Design

by Gerhard Sauer, (M.ASCE), Pres.; Dr. G. Sauer Corp., 11550 Southington Ln., Herndon, VA 22071,
Vojtech Gall, Vice-Pres.; Dr. G. Sauer Corp., 11550 Southington Ln., Herndon, VA 22071,
Erich Bauer, Institute for Mechanics, Technical University Graz., Kopernikus Gasse 24, A-8020 Graz, Austria,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1994, Vol. 64, Issue 6, Pg. 46-49

Document Type: Feature article


A computer program handles the computations and simplifies a method that sets forth the vast amounts of tunnel concrete lining design information in a single diagram. Using the principle of capacity limit curves (CLC) developed in Germany by the Dr. G. Sauer Co., the computations provide vast amounts of information about lining thrust and moments. The process is applicable to the ACI or other relevant code. It displays, graphically and numerically, the bearing capacity of a given cross section under given loading conditions, allowing optimization of structurally required reinforcement or verification of selected reinforcement. The CLC design process has been used in two U.S. tunnel projects, first for the Lehigh Tunnel No. 2 in Northeast Pennsylvania and more recently for the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) in Dallas.

Subject Headings: Tunnels | Load bearing capacity | Linings | Verification | Thrust | Structure reinforcement | Standards and codes

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