Site Effects on Strong Shaking and Seismic Risk: Recent Developments and Their Impact on Seismic Design Codes and Practice
by Raymond B. Seed, Univ of California, Berkeley, United States,Stephen E. Dickenson, Univ of California, Berkeley, United States,
Chin Man Mok, Univ of California, Berkeley, United States,
Document Type: Proceeding Paper
Part of: Structures Congress XII
The very strong influence of localized poor or 'adverse' geological/geotechnical foundation conditions on patterns and concentrations of damage during a number of recent earthquakes (e.g.: the 1985 Mexico City, 1988 Loma Prieta, 1988 Armenian, 1990 Philippines, 1990 Iran and 1991 Costa Rica Earthquakes) has led to significant national research efforts aimed at improving our ability to both predict and deal with these site-dependent effects. This, in turn, has led to major changes and advances in the state-of-practice in dealing with both site-dependent seismic site response and potential ground failure issues, as well as ongoing efforts directed towards improving the treatment of some of these issues in U.S. seismic design codes. This paper will very briefly describe some of the principal lessons derived from this process.
Subject Headings: Seismic design | Seismic tests | Standards and codes | Earthquakes | Foundation design | Developing countries | Seismic effects | Asia | Mexico City | Mexico | Philippines | Iran | Middle East | Costa Rica | Central America
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