Bridge-Scour Analysis Using the W ater-S urface Pro file (WSPRO) Model
by David S. Mueller, U.S. Geological Survey, Louisville, United States, Document Type: Proceeding Paper
Part of: Hydraulic Engineering
A program was developed to extract hydraulic information required for bridge-scour computations, from the Water-Surface Profile computation model (WSPRO). The program is written in compiled BASIC and is menu driven. Using only ground points, the program can compute average ground elevation, cross-sectional area below a specified datum, or create a Drawing Exchange Format (DXF) fie of cross section. Using both ground points ad hydraulic information form the equal-conveyance tubes computed by WSPRO, the program can compute hydraulic parameters at a user-specified station or in a user-specified subsection of the cross section. The program can identify the maximum velocity in a cross section and the velocity and depth at a user-specified station. The program also can identify the maximum velocity in the cross section and the average velocity, average depth, average ground elevation, width perpendicular to the flow, cross-sectional area of flow, and discharge in a subsection of the cross section. This program does not include any help or suggestions as to what data should be extracted; therefore, the used must understand the scour equations and associated variables to the able to extract the proper information from the WSPRO output.
Subject Headings: Cross sections | Computer models | Hydraulic models | Scour | Water surface profiles | Hydraulics | Fluid velocity
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