Sampling Sediment on a Complex Site

by John J. Nocera, (M.ASCE), Project Engr.; Marathan Battery Project, Hazard Waste Group, Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., White Plains, NY,
Gregory P. Matthews, (M.ASCE), Assoc.; Marathon Battery Project, Hazard Waste Group, Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., White Plains, NY,
Thomas M. Simmons, Project Mgr.; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City, MO,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1993, Vol. 63, Issue 3, Pg. 54-56

Document Type: Feature article


The remedial design of a complex Superfund site hinged on a variety of sampling methods required by the site's diverse terrain. Cadmium, lead, cobalt and nickel are the culprits at a Superfund Site, a former battery manufacturing plant. The site is spread throughout 80 acres that range from upland and marshes to coves and open water of the Hudson River. Remediation involves dredging and excavation of contaminated sediments, fixation, and off-site disposal in a permitted landfill. Design of the remediation required reliable data that was obtained by extensive field sampling, laboratory and research program. Early remedial investigations/feasibility studies (RI/FS) identified cadmium as the primary contaminant of concern. Engineers for the remedial design were required to conduct new studies to more precisely identify the limits of remediation, experimenting with sampling methods and tools in upland, marsh and open water areas to determine appropriate methods for each area. The final remedial design was completed in December 1991. Initial phases of remediation started in June 1992 and the main phase is scheduled for the spring of 1993 and will take four years. The design has won several awards that reflect the careful planning, field testing of alternate sampling methods and use of appropriate support equipment that result in effective remedial programs.

Subject Headings: Mitigation and remediation | Waste sites | Sediment | Field tests | Cadmium | Water sampling | Terrain

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