Delaware Estuary Nonpoint Source Control Program

by William Whipple, Jr., Greeley-Polhemus Group, West Chester, United States,
Van Dyke Polhemus, Greeley-Polhemus Group, West Chester, United States,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Water Resources Planning and Management: Saving a Threatened Resource?In Search of Solutions


Preparation of the Delaware Estuary Management Plan, sponsored by the EPA and the three states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware, is part of the national estuaries program. As part of this management plan, a program is being prepared for land use management directed towards protection of sensitive habitat and control of nonpoint sources of pollution (NPS) which may enter the estuary either directly from its shores, from tributaries or from upstream on the river. A primary zone of influence will be defined, within which control of NPS pollution is considered to be of priority concern. Coordination will be required with various existing programs, but this program will be implemented largely through local land use management controls.

Subject Headings: Water pollution | Estuaries | Soil pollution | Nonpoint pollution | Land use | Coastal management | Environmental Protection Agency | United States | Delaware | New Jersey | Pennsylvania

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