Ports '89

by Kenneth M. Childs, Jr., (F.ASCE), Pres.; Childs Engrg. Corp., Box 333, Medfield, MA 02052,

American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY
978-0-87262-703-1 (ISBN-13) | 0-87262-703-9 (ISBN-10), 1989, Soft Cover, Pg. 790

Conference information: Conference | Boston, Massachusetts, United States | May 22-24, 1989

Out of Print: Not available at ASCE Bookstore.

Document Type: Book - Proceedings


This is a collection of the technical papers presented at the triennial Ports '89 Conference held in Boston, Massachusetts in May 1989. Authors, although predominantly from the United States, are also from Canada, Great Britain, and Cyprus. The papers discuss such subjects as planning small boat harbors; inspecting waterfront structures; designing container terminal pavements; dredging, modeling, and designing container terminals; developing petroleum facilities; studying waves and wave breakers; refitting military waterfront facilities; selecting construction materials; investigating geotechnical design problems; and constructing structures in lakes and rivers. With this variety of subject coverage, the civil engineer can see what was done in the past and what the possibilities are for the future.

Subject Headings: Pavement design | Harbor facilities | Ports and harbors | Hydraulic design | Building design | Waterfront structures | Terminal facilities | United States | Canada | Cyprus | Europe | Middle East


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