Fast Exit

by Richard L. Haury, (M.ASCE), Sr. Vice Pres.; Greiner Inc., Denver, CO,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1987, Vol. 57, Issue 10, Pg. 75-77

Document Type: Feature article


A new runway to be built at Orlando International Airport in Florida has been designed with taxiway exits based on spiral geometry that give the pilot a gentle angle for exit and a graduated curvature for slowing down. The runway, designated 17/35, is part of an FAA test of the design authorized at several airports. It is based on the design used at Miami International, where the new configuration, lighting and placement intervals have brought average runway occupancy times down to 45-55 seconds. The runway is part of a master plan for expansion that will more than double Orlando's capacity by the year 2000.

Subject Headings: Airport and airfield pavements | Light (artificial) | Geometrics | Curvature

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