Infrastructure: Repairs and Inspection
by Mahendra J. Shah, (F.ASCE), Asst. Mgr.; Stone & Webster Engrg. Corp., 3 Executive Campus, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034,American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY
978-0-87262-584-6 (ISBN-13) | 0-87262-584-2 (ISBN-10), 1987, Soft Cover, Pg. 101
Conference information: A Session of ASCE Convention | Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States | April 29, 1987
Out of Print: Not available at ASCE Bookstore.
Document Type: Book - Proceedings
Rehabilitation of a structure in general requires considerations of unique methods of inspection and repair. Since the structures have to remain in service while the repairs are done, the task of rehabilitation becomes especially challenging. The papers in this volume examine how special methods of inspection and repair were developed for bridges, viaduct, and marine structures to minimize the cost of rehabilitation while maintaining the service requirements of these structures.
Subject Headings: Rehabilitation | Inspection | Viaducts | Maintenance and operation | Infrastructure | Bridge management | Benefit cost ratios
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