U.S. Port Commerce in Radioactive Materials (abstract )
by Bruce E. Marti, Univ of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, USA, Document Type: Proceeding Paper
Part of: Coastal Zone '87
In the ten-year period assessed, total radioactive materials handled at U. S. ports expanded by over 19,000 tons, which amounts to almost a 173 percent growth rate. This abstract refers to research to identify all U. S. ports which were involved in loading or discharging radioactive materials; classify U. S. seaports based on the magnitude of radioactive tonnage handled; and verify whether or not a long term trend exists. The objective of the verification process is to ascertain if the distribution of radioactive materials handled at individual ports has remained constant.
Subject Headings: Ports and harbors | Radioactive materials | Hazardous substances | Materials processing | Verification | Radioactive wastes | Coastal processes
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