Designing People Places
by Stanton Eckstut, Eckstut Associates, New York, NY, USA,Document Type: Proceeding Paper
Part of: Coastal Engineering 1966
Designing people places on the waterfront relies on first satisfying people's needs. The needs of people in public places (both on and off the waterfront) include at least the following: convenience, comfort, beauty, safety, usefulness, and interest. These needs are difficult to satisfy in any situation and, perhaps, even more difficult along waterfronts. People places, naturally, mean public places where all are assured to be welcome. Waterfronts are seemingly great opportunities. Large expanses of relatively unencumbered land suggest unlimited opportunity and the chance to do new and better environments - a real departure from the norm. It is precisely this type of opportunity that creates the unique and, oftentimes, insurmountable problems for waterfronts to become 'people places'.
Subject Headings: Recreational facilities | Municipal water | Waterfront structures | Water-based recreation | Urban areas | Urban and regional development | Streets
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