Infrastructure: Can We Renew It??Should We Renew It?

by Mortimer L. Downey, Metropolitan Transportation, Authority, New York, NY, USA,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Infrastructure for Urban Growth


The New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) is in the midst of a major capital program designed to reverse its trend of disinvestment. This program is funded at 8. 5 billion over five years and involves the use of innovative financing sources to meet these funding needs. As this Five Year Capital Plan period nears an end, MTA is looking toward its future needs and funding potentials. Recognizing the uncertainties of future funding, the MTA must adopt a rational approach to the planning of infrastructure renewal, taking into account business-like principles and public policy concerns. This paper describes the issues MTA faces and the process it will use to approach these issues.

Subject Headings: Financing | Infrastructure | Asset management | Urban areas | Transportation management | Public transportation | Public policy | New York | United States

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