Designing the Fisherman's Wharf Area, San Francisco Harbor Breakwater
by Dennis Thuet, US Army Corps of Engineers, San, Francisc District, San Francisco, CA, USA,Jane Fulton, US Army Corps of Engineers, San, Francisc District, San Francisco, CA, USA,
Tadeusz Nizinski, US Army Corps of Engineers, San, Francisc District, San Francisco, CA, USA,
Robert MacArthur, US Army Corps of Engineers, San, Francisc District, San Francisco, CA, USA,
Document Type: Proceeding Paper
Part of: Coastal Zone '85
The Fisherman's Wharf Breakwater Project stands out as an example of a complex structure requiring the planning and design talents of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) and many other agencies. This paper summarizes the COE endeavors that required interagency coordination and cooperation. Fisherman's Wharf is open to direct action of Pacific Ocean waves entering through the Golden Gate. During winter storms, short period waves generated by the north and northeast winds batter the area and cause severe damage to the fishing vessels and wharfing facilities.
Subject Headings: Ports and harbors | Ocean waves | Coastal protection structures | Breakwaters | Water-based recreation | Ships | Harbor facilities | Pacific Ocean | California | United States
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