Research Needs Related to the Nation's Infrastructure

by Edward A. Kippel, Manager of Technical Services; ASCE, New York, NY 10017,

American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY
978-0-87262-433-7 (ISBN-13) | 0-87262-433-1 (ISBN-10), 1984, Soft Cover, Pg. 47

Conference information: Workshop | Airlie, Virginia, United States | April 24-26, 1984

Document Type: Book - Proceedings


The engineering community, which designs and constructs infrastructure facilities, must look for innovative ways to do a more efficient job. Although some research has focused on problems related to the design and construction of new facilities, the need to repair, retrofit and rehabilitate existing facilities must also be given new attention. This workshop itemizes the research needs related to revitalizing and maintaining the physical facilities basic to the efficient and effective support of our civilized society (infrastructure). Results are divided into three discipline-oriented categories?transportation, water supply and wastewater disposal, and highways, streets and bridges and the following two policy and issue related areas?incentives and institutional mechanisms for effective research; and methods of implementing the research results, and approaches to stimulating the research effort.

Subject Headings: Water supply systems | Rehabilitation | Infrastructure | Highway bridges | Building design | Water supply | Water policy


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