Is Total CPM Really the Answer for Super Projects?

by Ronald M. Parsons, (M.ASCE), Project General Mgr.; Shearson Harris Nuclear Power Plant, New Hill, N.C.,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1983, Vol. 53, Issue 11, Pg. 70-71

Document Type: Feature article


The concept of the critical path method (CPM) network scheduling is 25 years old. The CPM approach has now become almost synonymous with project management. Whether it is an appopriate model for super projects or whether the concept has been interpolated beyond the limits of applicability are debated. A system is advocated that allows the project manager to review periodically the critical path progress, percent complete calculations, and progress curves earned value. The project manager can also search for patterns indicating trouble spots.

Subject Headings: Critical path method | Project management | Managers | Value engineering | Management methods | Curvature

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