Mammoth Prefab Modules Speed Alaskan Oil
Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1978, Vol. 48, Issue 7, Pg. 64-67Document Type: Feature article
Accomplished in conjunction with construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline were the mammoth prefabricated modules erected at Prudhoe Bay on the North Slope oil fields; purpose is oil and gas gathering for the pipeline. The Ralph M. Parsons Co. of Pasadena, Calif., came up with the idea to assemble modules in the lower 48 states (mostly Puget Sound area) and barge them 3,500 miles to the site. Parsons became managing director of the $1.6 billion project, which was accomplished in three increments. Involved were three sealifts of modules and other cargo needed at the site during the summer months of 1975, 1976 and 1978 when ice-free conditions allowed such passage. Engineering problems are discussed and technological innovations of modularization for certain projects outlined.
Subject Headings: Oil pipelines | Offsite construction | Gas pipelines | Slopes | Project management | Innovation | Ice
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