Polyethylene Pipe Solutions to Sewer Outfalls
by Donald R. Wells, Asst. Head; Ocean Engrg. and Const. Project Office, Naval Facilities Engrg. Command, Dept.of the Navy, Washington, D.C.,Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1976, Vol. 46, Issue 9, Pg. 62-64
Document Type: Feature article
One of the primary concerns of the Chief of Naval Operations is to insure that environmental pollution standards are met in this country and abroad at those naval bases near oceans or rivers that access to the oceans. Toward meeting this concern, Navy ocean engineers recently developed liquid transfer facility design and construction solutions for sewer outfall requirements at Naval facilities at Centerville Beach, near Ferndale, California, and LaMaddelena, Sardinia. The two sites were a study in opposites. Centerville Beach had a dynamic surf and a rugged shore terrain, while LaMaddelena had a flat topography and calm seas. Yet both presented the Navy engineer with pipeline design and installation problems that were unique. The solution to these problems was a specially designed, flexible, plastic pipe that could not only meet the environmental requirements but also could be installed during a short weather window.
Subject Headings: Seas and oceans | Plastic pipes | Sewers | Plastic design | Beaches | Windows | Water pollution
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