Developing and Maintaining Client Relationship in the Marketing of Engineering Services
by Arnold Olitt, (F.ASCE), Consultant; Incline Village, Nev.,Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1976, Vol. 46, Issue 6, Pg. 66-67
Document Type: Feature article
The need for marketing stems from the fact that a firm must grow. It can grow financially, geographically, in size and by diversifying. Marketing includes keeping existing clients and obtaining new clients. A structured program consists of having a list of clients and prospects; setting up a file for each; and making continual contacts, both in person and by other means. For the initial appointment with a prospect, determine the correct person to see and write him a letter requesting the appointment. Confirm by telephone. Arrive at prospect's office on time. Get prospect to talk�� you listen. Don't stay more than 30 minutes. Set up another appointment before you leave. Make continual visits. Develop mailing pieces as a marketing tool.
Subject Headings: Marketing | Client relationships | Professional services | Financial management | Engineering firms
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