Seven Questions: Wisdom and Guidance for Successful Career Building: An Interview with Dorie Clark on Managing One�s Professional Reputation
An interview with Dorie Clark, a marketing strategy consultant and branding expert....

Marketing Your Web Site
Most companies in the engineering and construction industry have had their own Web sites for some time. But experts warn that generating traffic from potential clients, job seekers and...

Overcoming Separation in Time or Space
Groups such as project teams, practice networks, and marketing groups are becoming ever more dispersed and distributed. For example, on a current project for a major water utility, I'm...

Avoiding Overload
Working for yourself can bring a rewarding sense of independence, but it can also be hectic as you try to be all things to all people. Engineers who start their own companies often find...

When To Sell
For owners of small firms, deciding to sell the business they've founded or owned can be gut-wrenching. But some owners find it's a good way to transfer ownership...

Development of Innovative Transit Services Using Market Research Techniques
The private sector has used market research techniques to determine the characteristics of their markets and marketing to develop and encourage the use of their products and/or services....

MetroCard: Automating New York City's Public Transit System
On January 6, 1994, New York City Transit introduced Automated Fare Collection to the largest transit system in the world. Known as MetroCard, this system of Automated Fare Collection...

Building a Sound Company Culture
For small companies just starting out, the priorities are often generating business and completing the work on time, on budget, and in accordance with applicable standards. In the process...

Growing Pains
Most small firms want to increase their business, but there are hidden dangers that can dampen even the most encouraging outlook. Small engineering firm executives and business consultants...

Big-Firm Marketing Ideas That Can Work For You
Access to a large advertising and marketing budget may make it easier to attract clients, but bringing in new business doesn't have to be expensive. Marketing professionals...

Warming Up to Cold Calling
Calling a prospective client to arrange an initial meeting can unnerve even the most experienced marketer. But it is a useful tool, especially for small firms on a tight marketing budget....

Everybody Wins
A program sponsored by the Department of Defense (DOD) allows small firms to team up with larger ones in a mentoring-prot�g� relationship that helps both gain more defense contracts. Mentors...

A Merger Manual
Mergers and acquisition business deals continue to proliferate in the consulting engineer and construction industry. There are many important issues on both sides of the table, and the...

Marketing is Everyone's Job
While good management, strategic planning and a good reputation certainly contribute to a firm's growth and higher profits, most successes can be credited to an aggressive...

Discovering Your Niche
Small consulting engineering firms often find themselves working on multiple projects and heading in no clear direction, and eventually quality begins to suffer. The solution is to concentrate...

Who is the Civil Engineering Reader?
ASCE commissioned a marketing firm to survey Civil Engineering readers. The questionnaire offered them a chance to candidly express their feelings, about the magazine as well as the state...

The Art of the Deal
There are two fundamental reasons why an engineering firm considers selling itself or purchasing another firm: to generate the money or to deal with issues of management or ownership transition....

Step 6: Conduct Effective Marketing
This chapter discusses the importance of marketing for work in international markets as well as what elements an international marketing plan should contain....

Future Growth Planning
The single most important goal of most firms is to grow. Even if yourfirm has remained static in size, you must have some growth to maintain yourfirm's market share in order...

Marketing Planning
Marketing planning has various stages of sophistication within aprofessional consulting firm. The degree to which planning is conducted andthe complexity typically relates directly to...





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