Genesis: The Creation of a Lunar Base

by Paul Bialla, Civil Space Launch Systems, San Diego, United States,
Nathan Nottke, Civil Space Launch Systems, San Diego, United States,
Seishi Suzuki, Civil Space Launch Systems, San Diego, United States,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Space III


A lunar basing scenario that utilizes lunar resources to manufacture lunar concrete modules is considered. An eleven year basing program, starting with initial robotic exploration and concluding with full scale concrete module production, is derived. The production process, physical properties and dimensions of the concrete modules are presented. A space transportation system is developed, and the flights required to emplace and support the manned base is calculated and presented. An overall program schedule is created to illustrate the relationship between the basing program, lunar missions timetable, and supporting technology milestones.

Subject Headings: Space colonies | Space construction | Concrete | Moon | Basins | Concrete construction | Transportation management

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