How to Maintain Infrastructure:?Rationally? or Irresponsibly?

by Robert Schumacher, New York City DOT, New York, NY, USA,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Infrastructure for Urban Growth


Maintenance is not the area of a budget to which a political leader enjoys assigning funds. He would much rather announce that money will be spent on things that are visible or on parks or housing that might bear his name. Up until 20 years ago, political leaders did assign budget funds for proper maintenance not only out of a sense of responsibility but also because society required them to do so. Today, there is a clear message to every political leader that he no longer has to assign budget money to maintain bridges or sewers. He can let them deteriorate until they reach a crisis stage. Then, there will be another billion-dollar bond issue to solve the problem and there will be nothing but cheers and applause for everyone involved.

Subject Headings: Maintenance and operation | Political factors | Infrastructure | Budgets | Resource management | Sewers | Resource allocation

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