Tension Tests of Containment Wall Isolated Liner Plates

by N. W. Hanson, PCA, Structural Development Dep, Skokie, IL, USA,
J. T. Julien, PCA, Structural Development Dep, Skokie, IL, USA,
D. M. Schultz, PCA, Structural Development Dep, Skokie, IL, USA,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Structural Engineering in Nuclear Facilities


Two tests were conducted using an approximate 2:1 ratio of hoop to meridional load. This simple load ratio is a gross approximation of the liner plate loading in a containment subjected to increasing pressure. A more accurate representation can be calculated by considering the sharing of load between all materials in the containment wall. Two tests were conducted with strain control that followed relationships calculated considering the liner plate as part of a prestressed concrete containment subject to increasing internal pressure. All specimens were loaded monotonically beyond the yield stress of the liner plate. Test results of the biaxially loaded specimens with meridional angles, T-weld, and penetration were compared with the biaxially loaded specimen with no special details. Behavior of the liner plate test specimens was not significantly influenced by the presence of meridional angles, T-weld, or the penetration. Local stress deviations had no effect on strength or ductility. Overall specimen hoop strain at maximum load was on the order of 5%. This strain is equivalent to a containment diameter increase of over 7. 5 ft (2. 29 m). All tests were ended when limits of loading hardware were reached rather than at maximum specimen strength or strain.

Subject Headings: Load tests | Biaxial loads | Maximum loads | Linings | Plates | Strain | Load factors

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