How Did These Firms Grow in Face of a Depressed Economy?

by Kneeland A. Godfrey, Jr., (M.ASCE), Editor; Civil Engineering Magazine, ASCE World Headquarters, 345 East 47th Street, New York City, NY.,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1982, Vol. 52, Issue 12, Pg. 39-42

Document Type: Feature article


Despite a decline in construction physical volume of about 25% in the past five years, some engineering firms have grown. Profiles of three such firms are presented. Management decisions that benefited these companies are described. They include: (1) Diversifying beyond housing related markets at a time when housing construction is down; (2) geographical diversification; (3) selling the firm's services during slack periods as well as during boom times; (4) use of market research to choose target areas; and (5) selective use of sophisticated engineering aids, such as computer aided drafting, to increase engineering productivity.

Subject Headings: Residential construction | Housing | Construction companies | Business management | Productivity | Computer aided design

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