Problems of the Independent Consultant

by James A. Christenson, (F.ASCE), Christenson Consultants, Pittsburgh, Pa.,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1982, Vol. 52, Issue 2, Pg. 69-71

Document Type: Feature article


Problems of consultants who practice alone are considered in terms of the author's experience in developig a practice. Issues discussed include establishing a foothold, locating a market, marketing, and control over operations. Later decisions regarding whether or not to expand, reassessing goals, and assuring continuity of the practice are also covered. Four major stages in the evolution of a practice are identified: achieving independence, survival, establishing a foothold, and consolidation of the practice. Remarks on getting started are also included for the benefit of those considering going out on their own.

Subject Headings: Consulting services | Marketing | Business management

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