Current Programs in American Post-Secondary Wood Design Education
Wood engineering has been a requirement in civil/structural engineering education curricula forcenturies. In 1990, a comprehensive survey was conducted of wood engineering educationprograms...
Post and Pad
As the name implies, this type of foundation consists of a concrete or wood pad placed on or buried in the ground. It is the lowest priced option for buildings on frozen silt, which may...
Some Case Histories of Pile Foundations in Permafrost
Foundations for permafrost conditions should conform to one of three basic design principles: keep it frozen, let it thaw, or thaw the ground before construction. To keep the permafrost...
Structural Condition Assessment
In Structural Condition Assessment, editor-in-chief Robert Ratay gathers together the leading people in the field to produce the first unified resource on all aspects of structural condition...
Offshore Technology in Civil Engineering
Hall of Fame Papers from the Early Years
Prepared by the Subcommittee on Offshore Technology Conference Support of the Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute of ASCE. This series presents...
Pile Foundation
This chapter discusses the tabulation of pile foundation data in Microsoft Excel....
Analysis of Dynamic Laterally Loaded Pile in Clay
Deflections of laterally loaded pile groups are strongly affected by the degree of pile head fixity. If the cap provides perfect restraint against rotation, deflections are only about...
Making the Grade
Adding two lanes to a stretch of highway in western Colorado required excavation on slopes and involved micropiles, mechanically stabilized earth walls, ground anchors, and soil nails....
Micropiles to the Rescue
When a Michigan energy concern began upgrading the equipment in one of its operating power plants, engineers were asked to find an economical and nondisruptive way to support the new loads...
Par Excellence
A 50-year-old Brownfield with a mountainous pile of steel slag has been remediate and developed into a recreational site that boasts a free golf course for inner-city youth, a championship-quality...
A Higher Profile
After an extensive inspection revealed severe corrosion to the substructure of a low-lying bridge over salt water in Norfolk, Virginia, engineers devised a retrofit that included vertical...
Wood and Wood-Based Materials: Current Status and Future of a Structural Material
Wood is one of the earliest construction materials, and the structural use of wood and wood-based materials continues to steadily increase. In fact, new wood-based materials continue to...
An Alternative Approach
An innovative foundation system at a Virginia power plant relies on columns constructed via jet grouting to support elevated units that reduce pollution. The approach required less drilling,...
Performance-Based Criteria for FRP Products and Materials
In most ways, fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) structures perform similar to wood and steel structures. There are, however, certain differences and these differences are described in this...
A Dam for a Dam
The General Electric (GE) Dam in Minneapolis, Minnesota, was more than a century old when it began leaking excessively in December 1998. Operations staff for the dam owner�the Minneapolis-based...
Winning Combination
The complex, 4.1-mi (6.6-km) long Richmond-San Rafael Bridge across San Francisco Bay is being upgraded as part of California's $2.5-billion program for seismically retrofitting...
The Chernobyl Problem
When the infamous accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant occurred in April 1986�a catastrophe that involved an explosion that blew off the top of one of the plant's...
Strength from Within
After decades of being continuously struck by rockfalls and wayward vehicles, Knapps Hill Tunnel�a highway structure built in 1936 and located on state Route 97A in central Washington...
An Arbor for Art
The new $50-million, 153,000 sq ft (14,200 m�) building for the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth will provide the museum with more than five times its current gallery space. The design...
Out of the Way
The 0.9 mi (1.4 km) long Fort Washington Way was built in 1961 as a distributor for local downtown traffic. It quickly became a critical section of the region's Interstate...
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