Plastic Piling
Composite plastic and steel piles are gaining acceptance throughout the United States. The evolving technology has produced a unique product which solves several problems related to use...
Design of Pile Foundations
This handbook,
Modeling Beam Torsion in Prestressed Concrete Box Beam Bridges
This paper briefly summarizes the development of a specialized finite element model capable of predicting the elastic and inelastic behavior of beam-slab type prestressed concrete spread...
Optimum Design Software Package for Shortening Civil Engineering Construction Period
The optimum software package for engineering network has adopted a coverage technology to facilitate an analysis of large-sized projects. This package has the following functions: (1)...
A Knowledge-Based System for the Damage Assessment of Timber Trusses
A knowledge-based system for the maintenance of over two hundred timber Warren truss buildings is being developed at the Royal Military College of Canada by the Knowledge-Based Expert...
Building Object-Oriented Systems for Diagnostic Problems in Civil Engineering
In recent years, rehabilitation and renovation of existing buildings and roads have grown to occupy a significant share of all civil engineering projects. Proper timing of rehabilitative...
Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Analysis of a Wooden Structure with Base Subsidence
A heavy rain caused a famous Chinese ancient wooden structure to suffer serious base subsidence. In order to deal with the base subsidence of the valuable structure, a joggle model and...
Tie Model: A Crosstie Replacement Planning and Costing Model
The Tie Model described in this paper is a maintenance planning and life-cycle costing model for wood crossties. The model includes a number of different failure modules to predict crosstie...
Holocene Sedimentation and Coastal Wetlands Response to Rising Sea Level at the Aucilla River Mouth, a Low Energy Coast in the Big Bend Area of Florida
The shallow dip of the Florida carbonate platform results in low wave energy on Florida Big Bend coasts. Therefore sedimentation is dominated by river-and tidal-hydrodynamics near the...
Vertical Erosion on Beaches and the National Flood Insurance Program
During the 25 years that the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) has been in existence, there has been an increasing recognition of the contribution of both episodic and long-term...
Coordinating Toxic Cleanup with Future Site Utilization
The Port of Olympia owns a site where former industrial activity left a legacy of toxic contamination, and which is currently involved in a cleanup action. A waterfront site which was...
IVHS Strategic Planning for Washington State
Implementation of IVHS technologies must be based on a strategic planning approach. The strategic plan must consider regional and statewide needs and should prompt integration of IVHS...
The Influence of Exposed Footings on Pier Scour Depths
Data compiled from past test efforts are combined in this article with the results of two new flume test studies. The combined material, presented graphically, suggests a method for adjusting...
Supply of Large Woody Debris in a Stream Channel
The amount of large woody debris that potentially could be transported to bridge sites was assessed in the basin of the West Harpeth River in Tennessee in the fall of 1992. The assessment...
Methods for Prediction of Maximum Scour at Coastal Structures
The most common coast scour-related problems are toe scour at rubble mound structures and vertical seawalls, and scour at the base of piles and horizontal pipelines. Existing scour prediction...
Analysis of Local Scour at Bridge Piers
Many studies have been performed on the cause and effects of local scour at bridge piers, and various prediction equations have been generated based on these studies. The general approach...
Connection of Grouted Tubular Insert Piles to Soil
Force transfer between offshore production jackets and tubular piles is effected by weld bead shear connectors, acting within the grout filled annulus between the piles and pile sleeves...
The Connecting Method of Steel and Concrete Using Long Deformed Bar Studs
A new welding technique for long horizontal studs of 19 mm and 22 mm diameters was established. The transmission of shearing and bending forces was evaluated using large model tests. Actual...
Pin Piles Save Silos
The United Grain Corp. annually ships about 200 million bushels of wheat and other grains to destinations around the world from its leased facility on the Columbia River at Vancouver,...
All Dressed Up
Its location at 660 Madison Avenue will put the new home of clothier Barneys New York in the heart of Manhattan's exclusive midtown shopping district, but the $120 million...
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