Down Drag on Friction Piles: A Case History
The down drag settlements experienced by the foundation of a supermarket constructed in 1972 in Gretna-New Orleans, Louisiana are presented. Two different lengths of piles (12.2 m and...
Design of Underpinning Piles to Reduce Settlements
Piles are frequently used to underpin structures which have suffered, or are expected to suffer, damage due to excessive settlement or differential settlement. However, existing methods...
Measured Downdrag on Seven Coated and Uncoated Piles in New Orleans
A site outside of New Orleans, Louisiana was selected as part of a research effort to study the phenomenon of downdrag on bitumen-coated piles. Two steel pipe piles, two timber piles,...
Comparison of Settlement Predictions for Single Piles in Sand Based on Penetration Test Results
The analysis of settlement for driven piles in cohesionless soils is a complex soil structure interaction problem. The total settlement for such a pile is generally considered to be the...
Modeling Settlements of an Existing Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Sideslope Using an Earthen Surcharge Pile
This paper discusses the results of a large-scale field compressibility test completed on municipal solid waste (MSW). The test consisted of surcharging the waste mass with an earthen...
Settlement Measurements of 50-ft High Embankments at the Chesapeake & Delaware Canal Bridge
This is a case history of instrumented settlement measurements on 49 to 56' (15-17 m) high bridge approach embankments of Delaware State Route 1 crossing of the Chesapeake & Delaware...
Measurements and Numerical Modelling of High Rise Building Foundations on Frankfurt Clay
Many high rise buildings were founded on Frankfurt clay on rafts applying average contact stresses in the order of 0.4 MPa. Beside rafts now piled-rafts are often used to reduce total...
Nonlinear Three Dimensional Analysis of Downdrag on Pile Groups
The downdrag on pile groups was investigated by using a numerical analysis and an analytical study. The emphasis was on quantifying the reduction of downdrag on piles in a group due to...
Settlement Prediction for Driven Piles and Pile Groups
Various methods of settlement prediction are reviewed for single piles and pile groups, and it is demonstrated that several of the methods give similar results. It is also found that the...
Settlement Analysis for 450 Meter Tall KLCC Towers
The site evaluation and settlement analysis performed for the two tallest buildings in the world currently under construction, are described. The site evaluation resulted in shifting building...
Vibration Induced Settlement From Blast Densification and Pile Driving
This paper describes settlement and vibration environments produced by two construction activities, blast densification and pile driving. Blasting is of interest because of the significant...
Movement of Foundations on Rock
This paper reviews methods for estimating the settlement of vertically loaded foundations on rock, with particular emphasis on shallow and piled foundations in and on soft rock....
Downdrag on Piles: Review and Recent Experimentation
A review of the literature on pile downdrag is provided, within the context of a recent full-scale study involving two pile groups driven in soft clay, subsequently surcharged by a 2.5...
Model of an Upgrade
As further studies and more extensive computer models help engineers better understand the workings of wastewater treatment plant processes, those engineers are finding more efficient...
In Rehab We Trust
Glulam structures will be durable and last for a long time provided structural elements are protected from water and moisture. Once water is allowed to come into direct contact with glulam...
Offshore Rescue
Restoration of wastewater ocean outfalls can be difficult, dangerous and environmentally challenging. Two recent projects, however, serve as examples of innovative outfall rehab. The first...
The Mexican Migration
The North American Free Trade Agreement has made Mexico an attractive market for U.S. firms, particularly in the environmental field. At the same time, privatization (as with toll roads...
Bridge to the Future
The experimental Roize Bridge, near Grenoble, France, features an innovative composite space truss and unique modular construction methods for efficiency and economy. The Roize Bridge...
Fast Foundation for Soft Clay
This article describes the detailed foundation work and high-capacity piling design for a flue gas desulfurization (FGD) retrofit system for the Lambton Generation Station in Ontario,...
Input for Seismic Design of Major Structures
Effective seismic input considering the soil-structure interaction or soil-pile-structure interaction is presented. This approach takes the seismic wave as primitive input and considers...
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