Commercial Wetland Mitigation Banking
Wetland mitigation banking, although practiced for more than fifteen years, is a concept just beginning to be widely embraced and implemented as an important wetlands regulatory and management...

Pollution Transport in Karst
A new model of pollution transport in natural streams was developed and tested. Dead zone storage is modeled as a two time constant process. This approach better matches the observed persistence...

Analyzing Water Balances and Ranking Maryland's Watersheds Related to Growth, Development and Loss of Habitat
One hundred thirty three watersheds comprising the entire state were analyzed for surface and ground water balance. Census population figures (1990) were allocated to the watersheds. Population...

Integrated GIS Based Watershed Management Modeling System

Extracting Watershed Characteristics from Spatial Digital Data Using GIS, A Case Study of the Great Miami River Basin

Watershed Protection Using an Integrated Approach

A Watershed Approach to Urban Stormwater Management Integrating Federal, State and Local Objectives

Using SWMM in Urban Stormwater Master Planning

Blue-Green Revisited: Integrating Stormwater Management Into the Urban Planning and Development Process

Control and Treatment of Coal Pile Stormwater Runoff at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Watershed/Ecosystem Issues in Urban Runoff Monitoring and Management

Monitoring of Best Management Practices

Modeling of Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Feitsui Reservoir Watershed

Development of a Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Strategy for Taiwan

Preservation and Enhancement of Riverine Corridors in Southeastern Wisconsin: Historic Overview and Current Practice

Effectiveness of Detention Based Stormwater Management on the Brandywine

Model Validation for Runoff Pollution from Urban Watersheds

The Effects of Water Resources Planning on Land Development Projects

Fee-Collection Program to Improve Water Quality

Prior-Spring Lakes Watershed Improvement Project





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