Financing the Future of Storm Water
For Sarasota County, Fla., draining storm water no longer means draining municipal funds. By establishing a modern storm-water utility, the county has provided a dedicated funding source...
Boston's Third Harbor Tunnel (Available only in
Boston's immersed marine tube, the Third Harbor Tunnel, connecting South Boston and Logan Airport, is a $226 million component of the multi-billion dollar Central Artery/Third...
Blasting Densifies Volcanic Debris (Available only in
The relatively new ground improvement technology of blast densification overcame soil problems posed by volcanic ash at Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument. In 1993 WSDOT began...
Asphalt Update
Of the $150 million spent in the five-year Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP), $50 million went to research to improve the durability and cost-effectiveness of asphalt pavements--on...
A New Direction in Remediation
Engineers have always had to rely on wells for onsite soil and ground water remediation systems. During the past several years, horizontal drilling technology, adapted from oil recovery...
Start the Presses!
Turning an existing bleach manufacturing facility into a printing plant required careful structural design to support a wide range of production processes. The new Daily News facility...
Leachate Chemistry: Its Implications for Clogging
The clogging of leachate collection systems is controlled by interrelated mi and chemical phenomena. Mesocosms containing landfill materials and simulating leachate collection were infiltrated...
Potential Microbial Impacts on Groundwater Quality
Over the last decade there has been significant progress in the understanding of sub-surface microbiology. The ubiquity of microorganisms within groundwaters forms a major part of these...
Application of One- and Two-Dimensional Flow Models for an Evaluation of Riverine Wetland Hydrologic Functions
Preservation and restoration of wetland habitats require maintaining a desirable hydrologic regime. The criteria for such a hydrologic regime are established based on marsh inundation...
Hydraulics of Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands
Resistance to flow through subsurface flow wetlands is described by Darcy's law or by Ergun's equation. Both representations are combined with the continuity...
Application of a Hydrodynamic Model in Design of the Kingman Lake Wetland Restoration Project
The U.S Army Corps of Engineers Baltimore District is restoring 45 acres of wetlands within Kingman Lake in the District of Columbia through the placement of dredged material from the...
VOC Inventory at New York City Wastewater Treatment Plants
Although the New York State Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA) implementation plan is not yet in place, the Citys Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is taking a proactive...
Pilot Testing of a Zero-Discharge Treatment Process
As environmental regulations become more stringent, pulp and paper mills are investigating alternatives to conventional biological treatment and discharge of effluents into receiving waters....
Siting Low Profile Grade Control Structures for the Muddy Creek Demonstration Stream Restoration Research Project
In the Fall of 1993 Reclamation began a demonstration stream restoration research project on Muddy Creek, near Great Falls, Montana. Muddy Creek captures return irrigation flow from a...
Dynamic Optimal Groundwater Remediation by Granular Activated Carbon
Objective functions to describe the operating and capital costs of GAC treatment are incorporated into a control theory model for optimal pump-and-treat groundwater remediation design....
A Multiperiod Approach for the Solution of Groundwater Management Problems using the Outer Approximation Method
In a previous work the Outer Approximation method was presented (Karatzas and Pinder, 1993 and 1996) for the solution of groundwater management problems where the selected pumping rates...
Use of SALQR Optimization in Large Aquifer Cleanup
A modified form of Differential Dynamic Programming (DDP), called Suc cessive Approximation to a Linear Quadratic Regulator (SALQR), is used to compute optimal policies for remediation...
Developments in the Use of Infrasound for Protecting Fish at Water Intakes
Attempts to protect fish at water intakes with sound generating devices have been ongoing for decades. Past results have been equivocal. However, the recent availability of high energy,...
An Evaluation of Drainage Conditions in the San Joaquin Valley
The discovery of deformities and deaths of aquatic birds at Kesterson Reservoir in 1983 substantially altered the perception of agricultural subsurface drainage water threats in the San...
Alternatives for Managing Shallow Ground Water in Arid Irrigated Areas
The combined operation of a drainage system for subirrigation and drainage is being considered for application in arid areas of the world. This is accomplished by modifying an irrigation...
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