Beneficiation of Lunar Rocks and Regolith: Concepts and Difficulties
Considerations of the resources which can provide feedstocks of ilmenite, glass, agglutinates, anorthite, etc. at a lunar base require an appreciation of the geology of the situation....

Beneficiation and Comminution Circuit for the Production of Lunar Liquid Oxygen (LLOX)
A complete lunar beneficiation and comminution circuit has been designed that requires no air or fluid locks for feed introduction or egress, with the exception of a vapor pyrolysis station....

Space Habitat Contaminant Growth Models?Part II
This paper reports on the continuation of work being done at NASA's Center for Space Environmental Health (CSEH) at the University of Colorado at Boulder on contaminant growth modelling...

Extraction of Potable Water from Urine for Space Applications
A regenerative technology capable of managing water and wastewater on-board long-term manned space platforms is essential if the Bush Administration's Space Exploration Initiative (SEI)...

Space Station & Lunar/Mars Life Support Research
The first part of this paper will report on the tests now being conducted by the Environmental Control and Life Suport Systems (ECLSS) at Marshall Space Flight Center. The findings of...

Regenerative Life Support Technology Challenges for the Space Exploration Initiative
Regenerative life support systems have been identified as one of the critical enabling technologies for future human exploration of space. This discipline encompasses processes and subsystems...

A Systems Approach to Water Recycling Research
Because of the cost of Earth resupply, water recycling from wastewater is a critical enabling technology for long duration space missions. The need and the fact that water quality is not...

Responding to Public Opinion About Cumulative Long-Term Risks: Analysis and Communication of Risks from Climate Change and Hazardous Waste Sites
Public reactions to cumulative, uncertain, and long-term (CULT) risks pose particular problems to risk communicators. Low-magnitude and low-probability risks (e.g., living next to a hazardous...

Degradation of Ground Water by Tetrachloroethylene
Ground water from many municipal water wells in California has been degraded by tetrachloroethylene (PCE) at concentrations above the drinking water standard. Investigations conducted...

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation?New Directions in Water Management and Conservation
The activities of the U.S. Bureau of reclamation are reviewed. Pacific Northwest Region, upper Deschustes River Basin Water Conservation Project, Northwest Cooperative Agricultural Weather...

Hydrologic Considerations in Mined Land Reclamation
Thunder Basin Coal Company (TBCC), a subsidiary of the Atlantic Richfield Company, operates the Black Thunder Mine in the Powder River Basin of Northeast Wyoming. The mine, located roughly...

Aldicarb Transport in the Coastal Plain of N. C.
The pesticide aldicarb is extremely soluble in water which causes it to be mobile in ground water. A field study was conducted to monitor the fate of the pesticide aldicarb in a poorly...

Water Quantity and Quality for Irrigated Agriculture and Wetlands
A water balance for the Carson Division of the Newlands Project in Northwest Nevada was created to identify the potential recovery of irrigation drainage effluent from the shallow aquifer...

Recycling Wastewater by Drip Irrigation
Hawaii's sugar factories produce about 380 million liters of wastewater per day from sugarcane washing, condensation, and cooling operations. Since 1972, wastewater has been used to irrigate...

Design of Irrigation Distribution System
This paper briefly discusses the Bureau of Reclamation's process of developing the rehabilitation of the Grand Valley Unit in Colorado. Sections are included on accessing needs of the...

Expert Systems for Civil Engineers
Knowledge Representation
This committee report, Expert Systems for Civil Engineers: Knowledge Representation, focuses on how engineers represent knowledge in expert...

Waste Water Management at Bulk Terminals
As North American environmental regulations become more demanding, the amount of contaminants permitted in waste water discharge is reaching lower levels than can be achieved by conventional...

Clean-Up of Contaminated Soils: A Necessary First Step in Industrial Land Redevelopment
This is a paper describing efforts by The Toronto Harbour Commissioners to demonstrate how several technologies can be effectively integrated to remove or reduce contaminant levels in...

Urban Water Management in the 21st Century
The rapid growth of cities is placing heavy demands on limited water resources. While conservation and demand management programs have been recognized as essential elements of urban water...

Reclaimed Water, Irrigation, and Conservation Pricing
The Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) is located in the south-central portion of Orange County consisting of approximately 76,000 acres. The most extensive reclaimed water project in...





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