Reusable Water Exhange Modeling
Wastewater return flows of raw water which is reusable, i.e., water which is entirely consumable, can be exchanged for a like amount of water upstream in the river basin. Exchanged water...

Brackish Groundwater and Urban Runoff: Source of Supply or Source of Problems?
The Sweetwater Authority hopes to be less dependent on imported supplies in water-short years, and has a goal of developing several alternative sources, including local runoff, brackish...

Regional Wastewater Reuse in the Nueces Estuary
The results of this study indicate that the firm yield lost to the release requirements of the Texas Water Commission Interim Release Order can be recovered by diverting treated wastewater...

Surface Water Quality Modeling in the Rio Grande
The City of Albuquerque (City) in New Mexico owns and operates the Southside Water Reclamation Plant (SWRP), which discharges an average of 200623 m3/d...

Setting Competitive Water Reuse Rates
Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department (WUD) is preparing to provide reclaimed water service to several large irrigators near the County's Southern Region Wastewater Treatment Plant...

Wastewater Reclamation at Davenport, Washington
The City of Davenport, Washington went through an extended process to update their undersized wastewater treatment and irrigation reclamation systems for municipal wastewater. The process...

Reducing Discharges from San Francisco to the Bay
The City and County of San Francisco (City) is fairly unique in the west because it has a combined sanitary and storm water system. When the current Wastewater Master Plan (WWMP) was completed...

Administering a Regulated Riparian System of Water Rights
Western states, facing steadily increasing demands on limited water resources, have developed administrative regimes for regulating water use based on the judicially developed private...

Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Space IV
This proceedings, Engineering, Construction and Operations in Space IV, consists of over 155 papers presented at Space 94, the Fourth International...

A New Angle on Ground-Water Remediation
When engineers from Black & Veatch Waste Science (BVWS) went to Tinker Air Force Base to examine the site of a hazardous waste cleanup job the service had hired them for, they...

Intelligent Tutoring Systems to Aid Water Treatment Plant Operators
Training for water treatment plant operators exists primarily through short courses at colleges or technical schools, self-study manuals, and on-the-job training. Intelligent tutoring...

Case Storage of Planning Knowledge for Power Plant Construction
Schedulers consider a variety of constraints when they analyze a project to schedule the construction work for it. Often they will start from some schedule that they recall from a previous...

Risk-Based Management of Uncertainty During Project Planning and Execution
The Land Disposal Restrictions (LDRs) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) are the critical technical standards for the establishment of compliance plans and schedules...

Computerized Facility Information Management Systems
The paper describes a computerized information system that can be used in place of the traditional operations and maintenance manual used by facilities personnel. Plant operations and...

Use of Expert Systems in Selecting Equilibrium Isotherms of Organic Compound Adsorption on Activated Carbon
An outline of an Expert System (ES) that aids in selecting adsorption isotherms is presented. Such an ES provides an efficient technique for screening the present literature. The ES helps...

SCADA System Controls Combined Sewer Overflow Regulation System to Optimize Wastewater Collection
The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District's Overflow Regulation System (ORS) project uses computer control of a wastewater collection system for the purpose of combined sewage overflow...

Sewers and Computers
The following is a description of a project performed to reduce excessive infiltration and inflow in a municipal sanitary sewer system and to provide the municipality with a computerized...

Modeling Initial Mixing of Ocean Wastewater Discharges to Develop Toxic Effluent Limitations
The UM model, released by USEPA in 1992, was utilized to simulate the initial mixing of a discharge to the Atlantic Ocean near Ocean City, New Jersey. The study included field verification...

Microworlds for Learning Through Inquiry
We discuss several computer-based environments to support learning through inquiry, called microworlds, including two focused on steam power plant operation and electronic troubleshooting....

The Use of SCADA for Real-time Calculation and Monitoring for CT Compliance at the Ralph D. Bollman Water Treatment Plant
The contra Costa Water District (CCWD) of Concord, CA was formed in 1935 under the authority of the State Water Code. CCWD purchases its water supply from the Central Valley Project (CVP),...





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