Potable Water Reclamation?A Practical Option to Traditional Sources
This paper describes the development of potable water reclamation alternatives to meet the future municipal water needs of the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado. By the year 2042, the...

Water Polishing by Constructed Wetland Ecosystems
This paper gives results of a five-year study of minerals and nutrients reduction in a large constructed wetland facility in Central Florida, on the periphery of Orlando. The 120 ha system...

Channel Stabilization and Retrofit
In 1990 King County Surface Water Management Division completed the Soos Creek Basin Plan. This basin was one of the most rapidly developing areas in the State of Washington. The goal...

Computer Simulation Model of the Integrated Local Water Supply Plan for the City of Wichita, Kansas
The City of Wichita, Kansas will require additional water supply sources to meet projected future water demands. A study of options identified a supply plan with integrated use of local...

Reusable Water Exhange Modeling
Wastewater return flows of raw water which is reusable, i.e., water which is entirely consumable, can be exchanged for a like amount of water upstream in the river basin. Exchanged water...

A New Approach to Water Education: Children's Water Festivals
A number of Colorado water agencies, school districts, and municipal utilities have combined efforts recently to coordinate a relatively new concept in water education - Children's Water...

Surface Water Quality Modeling in the Rio Grande
The City of Albuquerque (City) in New Mexico owns and operates the Southside Water Reclamation Plant (SWRP), which discharges an average of 200623 m3/d...

An Interactive Regional Regression Approach to Estimating Flood Quantiles
In Texas, a computer program has been developed which will estimate flood quantiles for an ungaged site based on data from gaging stations with similar watershed characteristics. The user...

A Regional Model of Daily Streamflow for the Northeast United States
A regional flow duration curve (FDC) model is under development which relates daily streamflow at 166 unregulated basins in the northeastern U.S. to watershed and climatic characteristics....

Conservation Before and After: The Impacts of Increasing Block Rates on a Fully Metered System
Denver Water's inside residential consumption and revenues changed dramatically during a metering program and a conversion to inclining block rates. We analyze these two changes and make...

Wastewater Reclamation at Davenport, Washington
The City of Davenport, Washington went through an extended process to update their undersized wastewater treatment and irrigation reclamation systems for municipal wastewater. The process...

Reducing Discharges from San Francisco to the Bay
The City and County of San Francisco (City) is fairly unique in the west because it has a combined sanitary and storm water system. When the current Wastewater Master Plan (WWMP) was completed...

Public Involvement and Participation: Planning Imperatives for the Coming Century
The literature has identified three types of responses to natural resources planning and management efforts in the United States. The first focused upon the more effective use of existing...

Opportunities, Constraints and Change in Reservoir Management
Changing hydrologic, economic, social and environmental conditions have focused attention on the opportunities for changing reservoir management. Such change can occur in three areas....

Summer Engineering Outreach Program for Native Americans
Minorities are significantly underrepresented in engineering, science and math fields in the United States. To attract and retain capable minority students will require the development...

Survey of Stormwater Detention State of Practice
A survey of stormwater professionals in the United States and Canada was conducted by the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District in 1991 regarding the current state of practice in the...

A Salmon Population Model for Evaluating Alternative Flow Regimes
Salmon populations in many Pacific coast rivers are in decline and in danger of becoming threatened or endangered. A fish population model that tracks chinook salmon from eggs to the immature...

San Diego County Water Authority's Emergency Storage Project Supplying Water During Natural Disasters
The San Diego County Water Authority (Authority) is developing the Emergency Storage Project (ESP) to improve the dependability of the County's water supplies during a natural disaster...

Recommendations for Standards in Hydraulics
Prepared by the Task Committee on Recommendations for Standards in Hydraulics of the Hydraulics Division of ASCE. This report investigates whether...

Random Vortex Models in Wind Engineering
Random vortex methods are Lagrangian particle-based numerical simulation schemes especially appropriate for Wind Engineering simulations. Vortex methods do not suffer from numerical diffusion...





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