Eddy Pump Dredging Demonstration at Cresta Reservoir
A demonstration test of a new environmentally ifiendly slurry dredging technology using the EDDY Pump, a patented vortex slurry pump, was perfbrmed in 1994 at Cresta Reservoir in northern...
Sediment Impacts on Yield from a Two-Reservoir System in Puerto Rico
The Dos Bocas and Caonillas reservoirs in Puerto Rico are being considered for conversion from hydroelectric to water supply operation. Both reservoirs are approximately 50 years old and...
Impacts of Reservoir Sedimentation on Decommissioning of Dams
A large number of dams in the United States of America and elsewhere are reaching the limits of their design lives. Owners, agencies and environmentalists are either considering or demanding...
US/Mexico Border Drinking Water Study
This report is an outgrowth of a more detailed report, written as part of an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) study. This report represents my views, and does not necessarily represent...
Forcing Function and Climate Change
A system framework for investigating the effect of climate change in the upper Rio-Grande river basin, New Mexico, is developed. The forcing function or input into a climate change model...
Discussions of a 3D Numerical Simulation of Transient Regional Groundwater Flow and Transport
A 3D numerical model of a groundwater flow and transport was developed to study the movement of radionuclides in the Savannah River Nuclear Site, South Carolina. The modeling effort has...
Delineating Subsurface Contamination Using Geostatistical and Non-Intrusive Geophysical Methodologies
Electromagnetic (EM) conductivity surveys are becoming a more practiced technique in screening for contamination of soil and groundwater. This non-intrusive geophysical approach detects...
Central Artery/Tunnel (CA/T) Project Environmental Permitting
The Central Artery/Tunnel Project is one of the largest public infrastructure projects in the United States. As such it poses major environmental planning and design challenges. The environmental...
PCE in Dewatering Flows?A Case Study Risk-Based Clean-Up Action Levels
Up to 70 micrograms per liter (?g/L) of tetrachloroethylene (PCE) was detected in dewatering flows associated with a construction project (Project) in the City of Los Angeles. Because...
Technical Activities in a Large Branch or Section
The Texas Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is currently one of the largest Sections in the Society. Similarly, the Houston Branch is one of the two largest Branches...
The Birth and Success of Orange County's Hydrology and Hydraulics Technical Group
The Orange County.s Hydrology and Hydraulics Technical Group (HHTG) has been very successful ever since it was founded in 1991. The HHTG is incorporated as a Technical Group under the...
The Treatment Train Detention Concept
With the recent concern for nonpoint source pollution impacts to receiving waters, the Village of Saukville, Wisconsin took advantage of state funding grants to conduct a Stormwater Management...
Ponding Study of January 1993 Storm Event within Airport Industrial Park, Oceanside, California
A water ponding study was conducted to investigate flooding that occurred during the January 16, 1993 storm event (the event) in the Oceanside Airport Industrial Park (the Park), located...
Calibration of Sediment Transport Model for the Upper End of Elephant Butte Reservoir
Elephant Butte Reservoir is located about 125 miles north of El Paso, Texas on the Rio Grande. The reservoir is approximately 35 miles long with a narrow neck, called the Narrows, about...
Uncertainty Analysis of Reservoir Sedimentation
In estimating reservoir sedimentation, a number of uncertainties arise. These are related to annual streamfiow, sediment load, sediment particle size, trap efficiency, and reservoir operation....
The Great Great Lakes
Superlatives are in order when talking about the Great Lakes of North America! As a body of water half the size of the Mediterranean Sea and stretching more than a third across North America,...
Impacts of NAFTA on Environmental Engineering
This paper addresses recent developments in the environmental sector under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) represents a...
Combined Flood Hazard Mitigation Techniques for Comprehensive Planning? The Saugus River Coastal Flood Risk Reduction Plan
The development of an alternative Coastal Flood Risic Reduction Plan for the Saugus River was initiated by the Executive Office of Environinental Affairs (EOEA) of Massachusetts in April...
Computing Flood Damage Reduction Accomplishment
Following flood events, the damage reduced by a federal flood damage reduction project must be computed to inform the public and assist officials in making decisions. This paper will describe...
Mitigation of Flood Hazard on Alluvial Fans
A number of investigators have suggested that the limits of the traditional, stochastic, one-dimensional model of alluvial fan flooding have been reached and that there are one- and two-dimensional...
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